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   "Lady Rose! It's wonderful to see you. I sincerely apologize that I haven't spoken to you since your arrival, but I've been panicked about my children and with my Ned gone-" Cat trailed off, pulling Rose into her tight hold. "Nonetheless, I am glad you're here. How are you Lady Rose? You look tired. Can I get you something to eat or drink? And when was the last time you brushed your hair?" Cat doted on her, lightly tugging on her hair and feeling her face for any illness. The motherly affection foreign to the young women, as she pulled away with big eyes.

"I am quite all right. Though, do call me Rose. I was never much of a Lady." Rose said as she tugged on her pretty dress, making Cat smack her arm away before grabbing it.

"Sit please," Cat ushered her into a chair next to a small desk, pulling another chair out and proceeding to sit down as well. "Are you all right?"

Rose sighed, her smile fading as she thought about how she felt. She wasn't travelling, she was stuck in a war between people she cared about. And it seemed that no matter what she did, people got hurt.

"I just miss the way things used to be. I miss walking through the streets of King's Landing, maybe buying an apple of visiting Fresos in the orphanage. I wish I could barge in on a Council meeting, proclaiming some silly new fact or thing I had done. I miss when I joined Arya and Syrio in her dancing lessons, or braiding Sansa's hair. When King Robert and Renly would laugh at my jokes and Cersei or Septa would scold me for being brash." Rose poured her heart out, the walls she had spent years fortifying coming tumbling down. Tears brimming in her eyes, as Cat gently grasped her hands.

"Don't fret my child. Things may not be as they were, but that is not cause for despair." Cat pulled her to get chest, the child she had grown to love in utter agony at the peaceful memories that swam through her head.

"Thank you, Cat. I promise, I tried to help Ned. I pulled my sword, but I was hopeless. Arya escaped, and Sansa was taken. She is tormented constantly but when I can, I protect her. I swear to you Lady Catelyn, I shall do all in my power to help your children. No Stark will be harmed, as long as I am alive." Rose promised, her usual humor hidden by tears.

"You are like a daughter to me. I love Arya and Sansa with all my heart, just as I love you. Lannister or not, you will always be welcome in my home." Cat stared into Rose's eyes, happy tears sneaking down both faces at the genuine words. Rose's heart warmed as she thought about how she never had a mother, well used to.

"You are like the mother I never had." Unspoken words shined through their eyes, acceptance and love, as Rose smiled at the warm feeling growing in her soul.

'I have a mother.'

"What troubles you? With all that has happened, you must be exhausted." Rose asked her, wiping away the tears that had slipped past her eyes.

"I am afraid, my child. Robb is fighting a war, but he is only a boy. He may be winning all of his battles, against seasoned men, but that does not make him one. Bran and Rickon are at Theon Greyjoy's mercy and Arya is nowhere to be found. Sansa is in King's Landing alone and, where am I? What can I do? I lost the imp and my husband, with my children scattered to the winds. My own castle isn't safe anymore. Even the bastard is alone beyond the Wall. I am no mother." Cat's strong aura shattered revealing the devastated woman underneath, the pain and loss that haunted her day and night shown to the Lannister.

"You are more of a mother than anyone who has ever had children. You care more and love more deeply than anyone deemed it possible." Rose assured her as she hugged her, feeling Cat press her tear soaked lips against her head softly.

"Enough tears. Now off to bed. Sleep well Rose." Cat ushered her out of the tent, remaining at the entrance even when Rose's form retreated from view to the comfort of her own tent. Brienne who guarded the door followed her Lady's eyes to stare where Rose had been.

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