Back From The Dead

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     "Tormund. I don't know what to do anymore." Rose was sitting down on a bench in the middle of Castle Black's courtyard, stubbornly wiping the tears from her eyes. The Ginger man looked at her with pity before sitting in the vacant spot next to her. His eyes scanned the entirety of the yard, the faithful brothers of the Watch and the Wildlings mingled.

   "Aye." He spoke. She leaned forward, deep in thought.

    "I cared for the Starks. I was to late to save Bran, and I couldn't stop my sister from killing Lady and the butchers boy. I did all I could to help Syrion train Arya, I drank tea with Sansa and aided Ned. None of that mattered when Joffery, may the shit head turn in his grave, chopped off his head. Arya escaped to come here, she never and it, and Sansa was beaten daily for Robb's success. I did what I could to save Robb and Cat. Robb hardly talks to me and Jon's dead."

     Tormund placed a comforting hand on her back, rubbing small circles to calm her down. Whispering soothing words that made her quiet, the barely audible sobs disappearing to the point that if you weren't next to her you wouldn't even notice her blatant tears.

    "Sometimes just loving someone is enough." Tormund told her, his warm eyes locked on her uncharacteristically cold brown pools.

     "My sister told me that loving someone was the best experience in the world. That loving someone made you whole." She chuckled, though no humor was present in the bell like laughter. "If this is love, than I do not want it."

     He smiled at her, knocking her shoulder gently to gain the attention of the woman. She looked up into his eyes. He shrugged with a smile, his eyes never leaving hers.

   "I could always take you." She giggled, pushing his sturdy shoulder with a smile. He bellowed with laughter at her response. "I steal you for my spear wife and we make some babes, just us."

     "Are you trying to seduce me, Ginger?" A teasing smile on her face as she looked at the man who stared at her in admiration.

     "No. We'd be back in my room already, Little Lion." He winked at her, earning another barrage of laughs. He lifted his gloved hand to wipe the tears from her face, making her smile at him gratefully.

     "Oh really?" She grinned back at him, mischief flashing in her eyes making him smile broader.

     "Show you me big ole cock, we'd stay in there all day long." His eyes crinkled with happiness at the Rosy tint her cheeks turned, she pushed his face away from hers with a chuckle. Used to his dirty humor and flirtatious manner.

      "I'm sure." Her eyes rolled sarcastically, the two made eye contact before erupting in loud laughs making others in the Yard stare at them in confusion in concern.

      Once they had gathered their breaths, she layed her head on his fur covered shoulder. Melding into the warmth he provided.

     "Thank you Ginger." He smiled, not responding. Instead they relished in the easy company, until the door to the room Jon was in creaked open.

      The two glanced at each other, standing to join the throng of men who gathered in the yard, staring ath the entrance. Jon emerged, making Rose suck in her breath. He leaned heavily on his brother, the two Starks followed closely by Davos.

      Jon's eyes swept the crowd, his eyes locking on Rose's eyes before he began walking down the steps with Robb's aid. Moving through the crowd, men parted with awe as they stared wordlessly at the man.

      Rose pushed through the crowd, walking through the parted crowds to stand in front of Jon while Tormund trailed after her. She stood awestruck, until Tormund passed her to confront Jon.

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