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Rose found herself pacing her large yet modestly decorated room, dodging books and piles of clothes that were covering the floor. 

Ever since Ned was arrested Cersei had Rose locked in her room. It was not until she was visited by Varys did she know what had happened after Littlefinger put his blade to Ned's throat.

Rose stopped walking as Sandor entered her room, leading Varys. The two watching Rose, as she looked at them for some indication of what had occurred.

"You have been extremely loud, my lady. I've had to chase off many men complaining of your persistent steps, the cunts." Sandor walked into the room, grabbing Rose's arm before leading her out of the open door. Varys following behind them slowly as Rose pulled on the Hound's strong grip.

"What happened? Where is Ned? Sansa? Arya? Are they all right?" Rose's seemingly never-ending questions only annoying the large man, as he pulled on her arm. Sandor turned to face Rose, standing straighter to intimidate the short woman.

"Be quiet." He growled, his voice like gravel as Rose lifted her head to look into his eyes.

"That is enough, Hound." Varys commented, taking Rose from Sandor's hold. Slipping his arm around hers as he leads her down the empty hall. "Come."


And that is how Rose found herself in a room with Maester Pycelle, Cersei, Littlefinger, Varys and Sansa. All the adults looked at Sansa as if she was to blame for everything that has ever been done against them.

"Your Father has proved to be an awful traitor, dear." Varys spoke, gaining Sansa's attention.

"King Robert's body was still warm when Lord Eddard began plotting to steal Joffery's rightful throne." Pycelle added, his old voice showing weariness.

"He wouldn't do that, he knows how much I love Joffery. He would not. Please your grace there has been a mistake. Send for my father, he will tell you. The king was his friend." Sansa pleaded.

"Sansa sweetling, you are innocent of any wrong we know that. Yet you are the daughter of a traitor. How can I allow you to marry my son?" At Cersei's words Sansa deflated, her eyes meeting her lap before shooting up to stare into Rose's.

"A child born of a traitor's seed is no fit consort for our King. She is a sweet thing now my grace but in ten years, who knows what treasons she will hatch." Interrupted Pycelle.

"Pycelle! This is absolutely ridiculous! Sansa has done nothing wrong. Let her return North and all will be well." Rose spoke up, but she was ignored when Sansa started speaking.

"No, I'm not my Lord. I will be a good wife to him you'll see. I'll be queen just like you, I promise I won't hatch anything!"

"A girl is innocent, your grace. She should be given a chance to prove her loyalty." Rose's eyebrows raising as she looked at Petyr with shock.

"You can't be serious!" Rose's words were once again met with deaf ears as Cersei started to speak.

"Little dove. You must write to Lady Catelyn and your brother, the eldest. What's his name?"


"Word of your father's arrest will reach him soon no doubt, best it comes from you. If you were to help your Father, urge your brother to keep the King's peace. Tell him to come to King's Landing and swear his fealty to Joffery." As she spoke Cersei place parchment and a quill in front of Sansa.

"If-if I could see my father, talk to him about-" Sansa stopped upon seeing Cersei's face.

"You disappoint me child. We told you of your father's treason, why would you want to speak to a traitor?"

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