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   The men returned to the camp in high spirits, having won the battle. Many men were wounded but insisted upon celebrating this victory, despite their obvious injuries. So that's where Rose found herself, trying to convince an old man to stay still so she could stitch his wound. As the wounded men in the tent were restless as Rose and another woman tended to their injuries.

"My Lady, please let me leave. I will return after celebrating, but for now I wish to feast with my brother and toast the fallen." The old man begged her, his steel grey eyes vulnerable as she tried to focus on the stab wound.

"Please understand. This wound will become infected if I don't close it." Rose implored him to listen as the sixty-year-old man attempted to rise from his spot on the hard grass, the other wounded men tried to calm their old Lord in vain. Her heavy accent oozing through her words as she grew more frustrated by his lack of cooperation.

"My Lady. I may not survive this war, let an old man dine with his friends. Please." Rose's hands paused, the needle and silk unmoving across his bare chest, contemplating a response. She sighed heavily before glaring at him, making him still and look down. She quickly finished the last stitches, looping and cutting the string before leaning back with a sigh.

"Go now, I'm finished." The blonde stated, calmly staring into the Northerner's eyes as his old brown eyes twinkled merrily.

"Thank you, Lass, may the gods bless you." The old man stood up and gestured for his men to follow him, the men who refused to leave their injured Lord's side. As the tent emptied Rose and the brunette women cleaned the mess of blood and supplies, the comforting silence settling like a blanket over the two.

"My Lady, why do you help these men? They are not your men, so why tend to their wounds?" The brown-haired girl questioned, stopping to stare at the blonde with earnest as Rose brushed a few stray hairs out of her face.

"They may not be my men, but I am here. Why shouldn't I help men who've fought for what they believe? Even if it goes against me." The two turned to face each other, the peace and understanding led them to sit on the grass beside one another once all the supplies was put away.

"My name is Talisa." The woman said with a small smile, a smear of blood on her face as she scratched her nose

"The name is Rose." Rose responded, her odd words leaving Talisa to quieten as the two settled into comforting silence.

"So, you and the King?" She asked, Talisa's voice betraying her by showing her despair at the words. Staring at the ground while Rose's startled gaze settles on her new-found friend.

"No. He is a King and I, his enemy." Talisa's eyes rose to meet the brown stare of the woman who sat next to her, the understanding warmth of the chocolate eyes calmed Talisa.

"I am no fool. Everyone can see the way he stares at you." Talisa's words turned bitter as she leaned her head back on the table behind her, Rose's eyes watching her curiously.

"No," Rose stared into the dark room lit by candle, the laughter of Stark men traveling to the quiet tent, "Why do you ask?" Her words were met with silence before Talisa whispered softly.

"He is very handsome." The two sets of brown eyes met at the soft words, Rose smirking slightly as a pink tint settled across Talisa's cheeks.

"Aye." Rose acknowledged. The two hushed again, listening to the calming silence and the faint cheerfulness of men.

"Do you love him?" Talisa's question registering in Rose's mind, making the blonde look down in shame.

"I am worthy of no one's love," Rose's words turning Talisa's head, "You on the other hand..." The velvet voice of Rose trailed off, eliciting a brighter blush from Talisa.

"Don't despair Rose. I hope you find a man to love you as you deserve." The genuine and sweet words brought smiles on their face, the two glowing in the candlelight.

"Tell me about yourself, my mysterious friend. I am eager to know of the wise woman in front of me." Rose asked, pulling her legs closer to herself as her rouge dress spread over her scarred body like a protective shield.

"What would you like to know?" The girls' changed from leaning on the medical supply table, to flat on the green grass floor at Rose's first adjustment. Now flat on the uncomfortable floor as Rose answered the brunette's question.

"Everything." The pause that followed seemed never-ending, the new-found friendship begging for a chance to belong.

"I am a Lady from Volantis, of house Maegyr." Her voice soft and trusting, albeit hesitant as she succumbed to the comfort of the welcoming aura of the Lady beside her.

"A Lady? Why so far from home Talisa?" A sigh of relief passed Talisa's lips, happy that Rose didn't see her any different due to her old home.

"When I was twelve, I attended a wedding. I joined my brother and the other children in a river to swim. My brother wandered off while I was distracted and when I found him, he was floating face down in the stream. I pulled him out, but he was gone, or so I thought. A man bearing a fish tattoo, pushed me out of the way so he could revive him. He did. The man, the fishing boat slave, risked his life to help my brother live." It seemed as if the world was drained of sound, even the once merry laughter of the feast was gone. The two relished in the comfort, before Talisa continued her tale.

"The man inspired me, I never danced with the nobles when I came of age and never lived in a city again. I took up medicine and left Volantis. The rest is history." The candles seemed to breathe their last breath as they flickered out, Rose stood to relight them before resuming the position beside Talisa.

"I'm sorry." The hollow words that weighed upon the night's air seemed to echo in the never-ending abyss of darkness, both knowing that no apology could fix what had already happened.

"It's okay," Talisa wiped away a stray tear that had fallen before getting up, "Let us walk. Tell me your stories Rose." Quickly joining her, Rose and Talisa walked through the quiet camp. The guards seemed to be the only ones out, their eyes following them greedily.

"Well, you already know that I am a Lady of house Lannister. What else would you wish to know?"

"Everything." Talisa jested, referring to Rose's words from before. Just as Rose opened her mauve lips to speak, a massive armored figure approached them.

"Lady Rose, Lady Catelyn wishes to speak with you." The blonde woman spoke, staring in awe at her inspiration. Rose turned to Talisa, only for her to speak first.

"Go Rose. We shall speak later." The brunette and strawberry haired women met each other's gaze before Talisa found herself being pulled into a hug, overcoming her shock before she welcomed the small woman's warm hug.

"You will hear soon enough. Goodbye." Pulling away, Rose moved to stand next to the tall woman. Following her silently as she led her to Cat.

"My name is Brienne of Tarth, My Lady." The big woman started, breathing in deeply before speaking very quickly. "You helped give me hope. I always wanted to be a soldier but because I am a woman I couldn't, until you came along. You were one of the reasons my father accepted my interest in swords."

"Really?" Rose asked disbelievingly, unable to comprehend the women's compliment.

"Aye." The armored woman turned her eyes to the small woman next to her, the short girl who was stronger than many of the greatest swordsmen.

"Well Brienne, you are my friend now. Friends give each other advice," Rose paused her words as she and her companion stopped in front of Cat's tent, "If a man ever doubts you, it is because he knows he will get his arse handed to him. Farewell Brienne, till we meet again."

That was how Rose entered the tent, leaving behind a dumbfounded Brienne. Shocked by the woman's words, as she smiled largely.

"Lady Rose, you are something else."

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