Going Beyond

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Tyrion had managed to convince Daenerys to give Rose access to the dragonglass beneath Dragonstone, so Rose found herself in the cave more often than not.

The beauty was so captivating Rose had invited Daenerys to see the cave, so now she was waiting at the bottom of the stairs to the beach for Daenerys and the rest of her party to finish their descent.

"Your Grace."  Rose called, Daenerys and Missandei looked at each other with a sly smirk as if they knew something she didn't. She spoke in Valyrian and her guards stood down

"It's all right." Daenerys said before she walked to Rose, the two walking along the beach to the mouth of a cave where Davos and Robb waited with lit torches.

"I wanted you to see it before we start hacking it to bits." Rose told her, grabbing the torch Davos held out for her before leading Daenerys and Missandei into the cave. She used the torch to light the brazier and illuminate the Dragonglass, walking deeper in the cave.

"So, this is it. We're sure to kick some dead ass with this." Rose laughed while her eyes glowed in the orange torch light while she looked at all the glass in awe. Daenerys looking up at the mass of Dragonglass in astonishment

"There is something else I want to show you, Your Grace." Rose told her as she led the way into a deeper chamber in the cave where murals were painted on the walls. "The Children of the Forest made these."

"When?" Daenerys asked in shock, her pale fingers tracing over the images delicately.

"A very long time ago."

"They were right here standing where we're standing before there were Targaryens or Starks or Lannisters." The Queen paused, "Maybe even before there were men."

"No." Rose's words made Daenerys stop looking at the walls, instead turning to Rose in confusion. Rose walked to another wall to examine murals depicting the Children of the Forest and the First men, lifting her torch to see clearly.

"They were here together, the Children and the First Men." Rose explained making Daenerys even more shocked.

"Doing what? Fighting each other?" Daenerys's question made Rose gently take her arm to move Daenerys's torch, so it lit up another wall with images of the Night King and White Walkers.

"They fought together against their common enemy. Despite their differences, despite their suspicions, together." Daenerys's eyes glazed over as she came to understand the threat from the North, turning away from Rose to look at the depiction of the Night King. "We need to do the same if we're going to survive."

"Because the enemy is real. It's always been real." Rose spoke, Daenerys once more turning to her.

"And you say you can't defeat them without my armies and my dragons?" Daenerys asked, almost breathless with the weight of knowing the northern threat.

"No. I wouldn't be here, representing my King, if we could do it on our own." Daenerys stepped closer, looking down at the small warrior.

"I will fight for your King. I will fight for the North...when you bend the knee." She told Rose, that made Rose frown deeply. Glaring at the Queen with the glare Rose had inherited from her father.

"Don't you get it? I'm not the fucking King, so I won't bend on behalf of him. And I won't bend the knee myself, because I believe in the man I follow. And yes, eventually I may trust and follow you with no hesitation, but I don't." Daenerys looked at her with disappointment Daenerys looked deeply into the never-ending brown pools of liquid chocolate.

"He trusts you enough to have you lead this expedition, more than his brother or Hand. He'll follow your decision." Daenerys informed Rose, stepping even closer to where they were face to face, but Rose merely smirked.

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