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   Rose always hated goodbyes, she has hated them since Cersei left to marry Robert, though this one had to be the worst. Rose embraced the sobbing Mrycella and Tommen who pleaded with her not to go, for they could not understand why she was leaving. Hugging Cersei tightly before moving to Tyrion, with whom she promised to return.

Rose continued to say goodbye to everyone. Until she approached Joffery, giving him small hug and smile before walking down the steps of the Throne Room to her horse.

Solemn faces stared at her with sadness as she mounted her horse and rode off. Rose rode for days, stopping at inns to rest when she could, it took her weeks before she rode into the Stark camp.

Everyone stared at the figure, the grey and white furs of the cloak hid her face, everyone stared with wonder at the women before them before she spoke. The dark cloak cascading down her back as she cantered in place, turning to face the men that surrounded her. They had to of realized she was there, seeing as how she had been with in the camp's sights for a day, but they were obviously still wary of the stranger.

"Where is Robb Stark?" The question seemed to resonate as the men looked around, their hands resting on the hilts of their blades in case. They looked among themselves, a few men protectively drawing their blades at the stranger's mention of their king.

"Here I am," The auburn-haired King of the North walked through his men to face women, unafraid as his men surrounded the women in a circle with no escape. His eyes assessing her for any sign of a threat as more of his men drew their swords. "Why do you ask?"

"It's been a long time Robb." Rose turned to him, staring down at him as she turned her horse towards him, smiling at her friend warmly.

"Rose Lannister?" Robb's voice caused murmurs to erupt from his bannerman as the women dismounted from her steed at his proclamation, slowly walking to him as she brushed the cloak behind her.

"I have to say, you were harder to find then I expected. A big army of men, you think they would be easier to-" Rose's rant was cut off when Robb ran and embraced her, pulling her deep into his hold as he nuzzled his face into her shoulder. She laughed softly and hugged him tightly, resting her head on his armor-covered shoulder gently.

"I can't believe you are here." He stated in awe as he pulled apart from her, his bannerman still tense and ready to protect their chosen King. He raised his hand, and the men relaxed. Some moving to return to their previous tasks, and other still hesitant to leave Robb with the woman.

"Neither can I." She responded honestly, looking up into his Tully blue eyes. She smirked as his eyes absorbed her features, as if recommitting her face to memory.

"Rose." Catelyn spoke in shock, moving through the surrounding bannerman in haste. Rose immediately turned around at the sound of her voice, releasing Robb's hold.

"Cat!" Rose ran and embraced Catelyn, "I am so sorry Cat. Joffery wouldn't listen to me and- they killed him. I couldn't do anything they killed him." Tears fell from her eyes as the surrounding men heard Rose speak of their former Liege-Lord, even more leaving at this genuine reaction to the Queen-mother. Finally acknowledging that she was not there to harm their King.

"It is okay Rose," Cat held her tightly, giving the small woman a thin-lipped smile. "My daughters, are they all right?"

"Joffery has one of his knights beating Sansa. It's awful, but I cannot make him stop. I made some good men promise to protect her in my stead, but I fear that without my protection her treatment will only get worse." Cat teared at Rose's words, the remaining bannerman in earshot looked down in sadness at the news.

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