The Dragon Queen

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Waves crashed against the jagged rocks and washed over the beach as Rose's boat was pulled onto shore. Rose, followed by Davos and Robb, walked towards Tyrion who waited for them, accompanied by a woman and various Dorthraki guards.

Rose let her eyes scan the castle of Dragonstone that waited in the distance perched on the high cliff, before they settled on her older brother.

"The Warrior of Casterly Rock." Tyrion teased, squaring his proud shoulders.

"The dwarf of Casterly Rock." She returned, a blank stare on her face while they stared at each other for a moment before breaking into matching smiles.

Rose fell to her knees to wrap her arms around Tyrion's small form, encasing him in a warm hug. He chuckled softly as he pulled back to look at Rose with utter compassion and admiration for the woman his baby sister had become.

Gesturing to the tense Dorthraki guards that all was well, his green eyes never leaving her brown ones, while his hand wiped the tears of joy that streaked down her pale skin.

"I believe we last saw each other escaping from King's Landing." She giggled in happiness, staying in her position so he could move his arms around her to hug her even more tightly.

"You were in danger the moment that cunt resurrected the Mountain." She smirked tauntingly, "You've become a lot more important, haven't you?"

"It's been a long road. But we're both still here." Tyrion nods his head in agreement, pulling away before turning to address Davos while Rose stood up and returned to her company's side.

"I'm Tyrion Lannister."

"Davos Seaworth." The two shake hands, not as enthusiastically as Rose and Tyrion, pulling away.

"Ah, the Onion Knight. We fought on opposite sides at the Battle of Blackwater Bay." Tyrion said, his face devoid of emotion save for the ineligible emotions that passed through his emerald eyes.

"Unluckily for me." Davos offered his warm, fatherly smile, while Tyrion turned to the last member of Rose's party. Robb standing nobly, stepping forward to greet Tyrion.

"Robb Stark." Tyrion said, in mild surprise.

"Tyrion Lannister." Robb held out his gloved hand to give Tyrion a firm shake, nodding his head to the dwarf out of respect. Tyrion pulled away before gesturing to the woman beside him.

"Missandei is the queen's most trusted advisor." The tall woman smiled at Tyrion's recognition.

"Welcome to Dragonstone. Our queen knows this is a long journey. She appreciates the effort you have made on her behalf. If you wouldn't mind handing over your weapons." Parroting words like a sweet summer Isles bird, reminding her of the Sansa she once met. Rose looked at Davos in silent question, raising her eyebrows, before she assessed the threat presented by the Dorthraki.

"Of course." Davos answered for her, making the Dorthraki guards move to take the weapons. Rose's hands brushed her daggers, eyeing up the men that gestured for her weapons to see how long it would take before they resorted to taking her weapons and she kicked their assess.

"Rose." Davos said expectantly, while Robb reluctantly untied his sword from around his waist and handed it over. More Dorthraki appeared to carry away Rose's boat, revealing the large numbers of the Dorthraki.

Rose reached for her long sword, pulling it out of its sheath around her waist to hand it to a guard. Then reaching down, seemingly to grab her thigh, pulling out five knives and handing them over. Then she reached down to pull three out of one of her knee length boots, moving to her left to pull out three arrows. She passed them to the increasingly perplexed guards as she continually pulled out weapons.

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