Fire meets Ice

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Rose couldn't help the large grin from spreading across her face as her horse walked sown the streets of Winterfell's town, her beautiful black steed following Daenerys and the long stretch of unsullied soldiers that marched into the main Castle of Winterfell.

Her horse neighed as Rose reared her back, winking at the familiar faces of the children. Earning grins from the children and small smiles from their parents, that quickly disappeared when their eyes landed once more on the Dragon Queen that rode through their home.

Rose sighed, before turning her horse. Walking contently beside Daenerys, her eyes falling on the Queen's frown as Dany watched the Northerners.

"I warned you, Northerners don't much like outsiders." Rose's words made Dany turn to look at her, a frown on her beautiful pale face before screams filled the courtyard, making the two look up as the humongous dragons flew overhead.

Rose watched Dany's smirk and lift her head proudly as the northerners gasped at the dragon, Rose shaking her head with a smile as she followed the Targaryen Queen.

The gentle rocking of the horse beneath Rose sent tremors of pain shooting down her leg, the sharp stabbing pain erupted in her leg as she spurred her horse into a trot. A smile dancing across her face as the Courtyard approached quickly, passing Daenerys with a laugh as she entered the big stone courtyard. Her eyes landing on the line of proud Starks, grinning up at her.

Rose sighed and laughed as she quickly spurred her horse closer, stopping so she could carefully dismount from the handsome steed. Mindful of her leg as she turned back to face the Starks as men took her horses reigns, allowing for Rose to hobble as quickly as she could to the Starks. Aware of their concerned frowns as she pounced on Bran, her arms wrapped around his neck tightly as she laughed in awe.

"Bran," Rose giggled again as she lifted her small hand to ruffle Bran's hair, earning a miniscule smile form the man. "You're so old."

Rose's heart warmed as loud laughter erupted from the otherwise silent Starks beside her, glancing up with a grin before turning to look back at Bran.

"You're a man now." Rose pressed a quick kiss on his forehead before straightening up, turning to speak to Jon, Robb, and Sansa who watched her with grins. "God, I'm old."

"But even more beautiful than the last time I saw you, Rose." Robb responded, stepping forward to encase the small woman in his arms. The warmth of his cloak and body surrounding her, his smell of fires and earth filling her nose as she relaxed into him.

"I've missed you, Robb."

Rose pulled away with a smile, before a larger force rammed into her. A minty wooden scent surrounding her as her arms wrapped around Jon's chest, pressing her cheek against his chest. Hearing the rapid pounding of his heart as he held her close, pressing a rough kiss onto her head before pulling away. His eyes crinkling as his wide smile made her laugh, before sinking onto her knee in a bow.

"My King." Rose glanced up, her eyes moving over his leather clothes and mountains of fur to rest on his handsome face that beamed at her. Reaching his hand out as an offering, she rested her hand in his as he pulled her up and back into his arms.

Laughter on his lips as Jon stared deeply into her eyes, "My Queen."

"It is wonderful to see you again, my Lady." A smooth voice called, making Rose pull away from Jon's comforting arms to stare at Sansa's fiery eyes and small smile.

"Please, just call me Rose." Both women smiled at the words, the memory of their first meeting fresh in their minds as they laughed. Pulling each other into a smile.

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