The New Lord Commander

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      Rose found herself in the yard again, her wooden practice sword mercilessly pounding her opponents. Since Mance was burned she released her pent up anger often, spending hours on end training with any Man of the Watch who dared to challenge the renown warrior.

      The boy, an arrogant new recruit who thought he could beat a woman, yelled yield as she swiped his legs out from under him with the blunt edge of her sword.

      "You shouldn't spend your time training with boys. You'll never learn anything." Jon yelled at her, sitting off to the side watching. All of the new recruits were there, as commanded by Ser Alliser, watching as Rose pummeled anyone in her path.

      "No one worthy seems to take up a sword. It's getting boring." Whining she bent down and helped the boy up, gently smiling at him before pushing him back into the line of recruits. Ser Alliser merely huffed at her response to the bastard.

       "Care to take up arms, Lord Snow? I'm sure that a Lord such as yourself could best a Lady." Ser Janos Slynt added, his beady eyes daring Jon to meet his challenge.

        "I don't think anyone could beat her," Jon rose and grabbed the discarded wooden sword, raising it and smiling at her."but I could also use the practice."

         Rose beamed at him in response before the dance began. Jon first circled her, his balance perfect as he watched her for the first move. Rose's chocolate eyes followed him, assessing him and determining his weaknesses. Jon was the first one to strike, but he seemed to know that it wasn't going to work as he quickly countered with a jab to her gut. Rose jumped out of the way of the slash and pivoted to the side of the sword for the jab, her own sword raised effortlessly to rest on his neck.

         "Dead." Sam, the friend Jon had introduced her too, gawked at her flawless victory. Everyone else just stared in respect, though Robb found himself shaking his head with a grin. Rose smiled sheepishly, retracting her blade and allowing for Jon to steady himself.

        "You enjoying this Lannister?" Jon teased, a rugged smirk on his face as he held his sword in both hands. His posture slouched as he leaned over, his face towards her.

        "Quite a lot Snow. You?" Jon sent a wild slash to her leg, trying to swipe it out from under her so she could lose balance but she jumped the low cut and sent her own at his chest. His sword barely reached his chest to block it as she pressed on.

        "I'm just peachy." She pressed on, her calculated thrusts and slices were barely blocked as she backed him up. He blocked before ducking a swipe and charging. Unfortunately, Rose knows just how to deal with chargers. When he was within arms reach, she dipped into a roll. Rolled out from under him with her sword in hand while he hurried to stop, and brought the sword to the underside of his jaw as he finally stopped.

        "Dead." They were panting, locked in the position. Jon standing defeated as the wooden sword was pressed firmly on his throat and Rose stood against him. Her messy bun falling apart as hair fell in her face as she panted, the smile painted on her lips only grew wider at the sound of his heavy breaths.

        "Again." He responded, the laugh bubbling in his throat erupted as the sword was removed and  he turned to face her. The merry dark eyes glistened with joy when they met her eyes, her having to look up at him due to the height difference.

       "My Lord. King Stannis has requested your presence." Lady Melisandre's voice resonated through the courtyard, making Rose turn from Jon to nod at her in respect while Jon continued to stare at her.

       "Of course, My Lady." Rose responded in her Lady voice, the false tone was filled with under laying glimmers of teasing and mischief as she smiled. Jon followed her as the Red Woman led him out, his face the ghost of the smile that was always present near Rose.

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