Sacrificing a Friend

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             Get ready. This one's LONG


            The grin that broke out on her face grew larger when she heard the horn blowing as she led her horse to the gates. The horn blew loudly as the wooden gates creaked open and her horse cantered inside, her hood was down as she smiled at the wall she had visited so long ago. Men stared as she rode inside, the sight of them made Rose furrow her eyebrows when she saw that some had the Baratheon stag inside of a flaming heart on their cloaks.

            "My lady. What brings you to the wall? Don't you know that winter is coming?"One man spoke, his voice the only sound beside the creaking of the gate shutting. Everyone else simply stared at her, gawking at the southern beauty.

         "Lady Rose. I have to say, I wasn't expecting you." Men parted for the speaker, his long face that seemed to never smile fixed on her.

          "Stannis. It's been a long time, much has happened since we last spoke." Her smile spread wider as she moved to dismount. Three men of the Watch moved to help her down while the rest gawked or glared at her. She waved off the men and hopped off her steed, giving him a stroke on the muzzle as she grabbed his reigns.

         "Lady Rose, the aunt to the false King. I have seen you in my fires, you show ever so often." A red woman approached her, the jewel at her throat glowed brightly as she approached. Her hands lifted to grasp her face but before they could touch Rose pulled her daggers and pressed them to her throat.

            "I was told by my father to never speak to those who have lost their wits." Stannis's men grabbed their hilts but Stannis's hand raising calmed them. Though they still looked wary. The Night's Watch just watched in awe. "Good thing I've never cared about what he said." Rose's blades moved away from the woman's throat, she twirled with them a bit as she sheathed them up, her eyes never leaving the mysterious woman.


          Rose turned her head to look at the owner of the soothing voice, her eyes widening in happiness.

           "JON!" Rose dropped her reigns and sprinted to him, stopping herself right before she jumped on him. She stood in front of the bastard with a silly grin on her face.

         "It's nice to see you too." He smiled at her, his dark eyes shining happily. His eyes started to darken when Rose's eyes focussed on the man beside him.

         "ROBB!" This time Rose didn't stop herself, she launched herself at the man. She nuzzled her face in his neck before Robb grabbed her and pushed her away. Rose's face dropped as the ex-King walked away. Leaving her next to Jon and surrounded by men.

           "Ignore him Rose." Jon's hand gently rested on her shoulder. "Let's talk."

              Rose stood flabbergasted and disappointed but Jon's hand on her shoulder steered her to the lift. Everyone stared as the lift carried them away, rising to the top.

             Jon placed his warm hand on the small of her back and led her to the dledge of the wall.

             Once at the top of the wall, Rose walked on her own accord to the edge. Standing next to a brazier, she leaned over the edge that Rose had visited so long ago.

          "It's great to see you Rose." Jon said, he embraced her in a warm hug full of furs. His musky scent of pine and snow surrounded Rose, filling her with comfort.

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