The Battle and King

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          The armies sat across the battlefield from one another, along the outskirts of Winterfell. Davos sat on horseback among the ranks of the Stark army, while Jon and Robb rode through the ranks while observing the men. Jon and Robb rode to Tormund and Wun Wun at the front of the line. Rose sat on a new horse beside Wun Wun, Jon and Robb riding to her side in a Stark sandwich.

        The X-shaped burning pyres in front of the Bolton army as a threat of what might happen, Rose's chocolate eyes looking through the enemy for the youngest Stark. It wasn't until she saw Ramsay leading a figure behind him to the front of his line, dismounting before unsheathing a blade.

      Rose cantered forward, running her hands over the wooden edge of the bow around her shoulder, when she noticed Jon and Robb tensing. Ramsay brought the blade down to cut Rickon's bindings. Rose noticed him talking to Rickon before Rickon started walking into the field, Rickon must have looked back because Ramsay gestured for him to continue while a soldier handed him a bow.

        Rickon started running across the field while Ramsay drew an arrow from a quiver. Jon immediately began galloping across the field towards Rickon, ignoring Rose and Robb yelling at him to stop. Ramsay fired the arrow and it embedded itself in the ground next to the sprinting Rickon, Jon getting closer and closer to Rickon making Rose hold her breath.

        Jon extended his hand out, Rose throwing her hand out to grab Tormund's shoulder, everyone's eyes locked on the two. Ramsay loosed another arrow, missing by inches. Jon and Rickon were only feet apart when an arrow finally pierced through Rickon's chest making him fall to the ground. Jon stopped beside him, looking down at Rickon who laid dying, before emitting an enormous roar of rage that carried across the valley.

      "Don't." Tormund whispered to himself, but they both knew he was already to far gone to turn back. Davos started riding through the ranks while screaming orders.

       "Prepare to charge! Prepare to charge!" The Bolton archers loosed a volley of arrows, while Jon charged towards the enemies army. Rose reached down and drew her valyrian Steel sword, ushering her horse into a canter to the call of Davos.

          "Go! Go! Follow your commander!" Davos screeched, Tormund and Robb falling in behind Rose as Tormund called to the hesitant soldiers.

        "Run and fight!" Wun Wun roared loudly, prompting the bulk of the force to charge across the field. Jon rushed alone on horseback, but another round of arrows pierced through his horse bringing Jon to the ground.

        The Bolton cavalry charged at Jon on the ground. Rose spurring on her horse faster, flying past the other Stark men with inhuman speed. Everyone else sped up at her challenge, rushing past Jon to collide with the Bolton men.

      Rose swiped her sword at every Bolton men, screaming loud enough to rival a Dorthraki war cry. Bodies flew past her as horses and men toppled in her path, men parting in her lethal path. Archers from both sides knock, but Davos orders them to stand down.

       "We'll just kill our own men. Stand down." The Stark archers didn't fire, but Ramsay had other ideas.

         "Loose!" The Bolton archers fire, raining arrows on Bolton and Stark men alike. Rose turns around to ram the undefended Bolton charge. She swiped at the Boltons, showing no mercy as she cut down the ranks like butter while effectively missing all of the arrows. The arch of the valyrian steel flinging blood as it cut through the air to contact with a body, and with the rhythmic bouncing as she leaned forward on her horse to keep balanced.

        The bodies piled up, locking Rose in a circle with the men who fought above and inside of the pile of corpses. Davos joined the charge, the remaining Stark forces following him. A swarm of Bolton men noticed Rose's disadvantage and swarmed her horse, making her frantically swipe before she stood up and jumped away as her horse fell.

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