A Death and A Promise

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  No matter how hard Rose tried, she could not seem to smile. Whether it be fake or true, her pale face remained solemn. Due to the fact that today is that day of Ned Stark's public appearance, since he was announced as a traitor.

Rose's face only grew darker when two guards began pulling Ned Stark into the crowd, yanking him onto the raised platform while people screamed and cried. 

Rose's eyes scanned the crowds and met with Ned's, his eyes flicking to a girl clinging to a statue and Sansa before returning to stare at Rose. Rose recognized Arya to be the one clinging to a statue and watched while Ned spoke to Yoren of the Night's Watch.

 Tears forming in Rose's brown eyes as the guards' force Ned onto the platform before retreating, realizing that his treatment must have been horrid.

"I am Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Hand of the King," Ned paused to glance back at Sansa and Rose. Rose standing next to her protectively as if she was her own sister, "I come before you to confess my treason, in the sight of gods and men. I betrayed the faith of my King and the trust of my friend Robert. I swore to protect and defend his children but before his blood was cold, I plotted to murder his son and seize the throne for myself." Ned's words only further angered the crowd as something flew at his face, Sandor pushed him back into place. Sansa and Rose shared a scared look before turning back to the crowd.

"Let the High Septon and Baelor the blessed bear witness to what I say. Joffery Baratheon is the one true heir to the Iron Throne, by the grace of all the gods, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the Realm." As Ned finished, Pycelle began to speak.

"As-as we sin, so do we suffer. This man has confessed his crimes in sight of gods and men. The gods are just but beloved Baelor taught us they can also be merciful. What is to be done with this traitor, your grace?" Joffery waved his arm, mistaking the cries of bloodlust from the audience as affection for himself.

'Idiot' Rose couldn't help but think.

"My mother wishes me to let Lord Eddard join the Night's Watch, stripped of all titles and powers he will serve the realm in permanent exile. My Aunt Rose has requested me that no harm shall befall him, and my Lady Sansa has begged mercy for her father. But they have the soft hearts of women, so long as I am your King treason shall never go unpunished. Ser Ilyn, bring me his head."

At Joffery's words, the crowd began screaming. Cersei began pleading with her son to see reason, Sansa was being held by guards as she fought to get to her father, and Rose blanked out. She heard no noise as she drew her sword and men from the stage held her back.

 Crying incoherent words, Rose saw Sandor rip her sword from her grasp, replacing the six men that struggled to stop her, and hold her in his muscular arms but it did not register as she grimaced. Rose slammed her elbow into his gut, making Sandor lurch over as Rose tore her arms from his tight grip.

'Don't.' A small voice spoke from the back of her head whispered as she felt Sandor's arm reach back to grab her arms again. 'You know what will happen if you make a scene. Never again.'

Rose could feel her arms fall to her sides, almost numb as she focused on Sansa and Arya instead of the tug on he arms from Sandor and the other men.

Yoren held Arya and the guard held Sansa back as tears and yells fell from both girls. By the time Rose looked back at Ned, his eyes were already looking at her.

Ned's eyes pleaded with Rose to protect his family. To give him justice. Rose nodded, and Ned looked to the ground as he was forced to his knees. the man pulling his blade before swinging the sword.

Ned's head rolled on the ground, Sansa fainted, and Arya was dragged away but none of it mattered. The only thing Rose felt was pain as the man whom cared for her like a daughter had his head held by his killer in triumph. Rose moved her eyes to stare into Sandor's brown pools.

"Do you care for me?" She asked, her whispers barely heard over the screams of those surrounding the two.

"Aye. I do." Sandor responded, his eyes searching hers for some hidden meaning that was lost. Rose grabbed his head until their foreheads touched. Him leaning down to meet the small girls touch as if it called to him like a sea to a sailor.

"Promise me to protect Sansa if I am not here. Save her when I cannot." Rose begged, her hand caressing the burns that marred the side of Sandor's face. He leaned into Rose's hold lovingly before replying.

"I promise, my flower."

With those final words, Rose pulled herself as far as she could into the Hound's comforting hold. Trying to drown out the shouts of the citizens, the joyous smiles of her nephew, and Sandor's calming whispers in her ear.

 Until all Rose could hear was the flapping of the crows in the sky, and the soothing voice of Sandor telling her everything will be all right.

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