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"It is an honor to meet you, my lady."

Rose's face remained a mask of apathy while the handsome blond lord pressed his slobbery lips upon her hand, nodding her head as the young boy grinned up at her. An aura of arrogance and superiority surrounding him as he bowed, retreating into the immense crowd of suitors; ranging from old, fat lords to mere boys smiling up at her.

"Act as if you care about these suitors. They are vying for your hand in marriage after all. Your foolishness is not guile, as you might believe." Tywin's scolding voice spoke from beside her, the proud Lord surveying all of the suitors that had gathered in the Great Hall to catch a glimpse of the beautiful maiden that enthralled them.

"Why should I pretend to care? They don't care about me; they care about my family's power, and whether I will give them heirs. I am not a toy that exists only to breed and look at, and I will not pretend to be someone that I am not."

Rose turned to face him, her stone like face mirroring his own. The two challenging each other as they watched one another closely.

Tywin's pale, yellow hair had grown whiter over the last few months, and the old face of her father seemed to grow more tired. But the old lion and his beautiful cub beside him radiated power and serene elegance, their golden hair and royal air hid the anger and guile the two challenged each other with.

"I suppose it wouldn't matter to you, but I still want you too be happy." Tywin and Rose both turned back to face the adoring crowd that watched them, their eyes sweeping over the crowd to observe the suitors.

"Aunt Genna Lannister."

"What about her, Rose?" Tywin looked down at her once more, his commanding stare that he had acquired from all of his battles made Rose meet his emerald eyes. His brows were furrowed as he stared into the brown eyes that his precious baby girl had received from his late wife, Joanna.

"She once told me that Lord Tywin Lannister of Casterly Rock, despite all of the stories, had smiled. Not just once, but six times." Tywin raised his eyebrow at Rose's words, leaning back as Rose bit her lip.

"She said that you smiled when you wed mother, and again when Aerys made you his Hand. When Tarbeck Hall came crashing down on Lady Ellyn, and at Jaime's birth. But she would hold me and tell me that when I was born, you could not seem to wipe a smile from your face."

Laughing lightly as Rose shook her head, facing the assembled guards to gesture for them to escort the antsy suitors from the throne room before turning to face Tywin once more.

"She would tell me that you loved me, every night you were gone. That you would never let anyone hurt me or let anyone keep me from you. Whether they be my husband, or merely an enemy." Rose scoffed at herself as the thudding of feet left the hall, leaving the two Lannisters alone. "And I believed you."

Rose turned around suddenly, walking towards the back hall that led to the rest of the castle. Proudly straightening her back as she paused as the doorway, turning back with a dejected smile.

"She would tell me that, no matter how cunning Cersei could be or how eager to fight Jaime seemed. Or even how similarly Tyrion could play the game of thrones, unknowingly modeling his cunning from all he's learned from you. She told me that I was your child, more so then any of the others could claim to be."

"Rose." Tywin called out, forcing Rose to turn around against her better judgement. Facing the forlorn face of her father, his skin sagging as if her words were killing him slowly but surely.

"I am and have always been proud of you. And what Genna claims is true." Tywin nodded, watching Rose's expressionless face for any sign that she might still care. "You are my daughter. My precious little girl. I wish you all of the happiness in the world."

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