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        While it had taken a lot of convincing, Rose had finally managed to persuade Cersei to allow her to ride her horse on the trip to Winterfell.

Dressed in black leggings with rose gold lace running up the side of the legs, a rose gold blouse that hid a cream corset, a collection of furs, and her brown leather boots. Along with her knife and bow, she also carried a brown scabbard that hung at her waist that housed a steel sword and her beloved daggers. Her hair flowing as she rode next to Sandor Clegane.

    Sandor always found it difficult to keep his eyes off Rose, but he found it damn near impossible when she cantered beside without a care in the world. The caravan was focused on the carriage that held the royal family, surrounded from the front and back by the kingsguard. They had been traveling for a month to Winterfell, to ask Lord Eddard Stark to become King Robert's hand.

       Rose kept herself occupied with a game that was deemed childish by Cersei and the kingsguard, but they couldn't keep themselves from smiling every time the women played the game with the man known as the hound.

     "I spy with the three-eyed-raven's eye something yellow." Exclaimed Rose happily as she slowly trotted side by side with Sandor, beaming at the man who wore the vicious dog helm.

   "The sun?" asked Sandor, his tone expressionless but the reluctant and small smile on his face revealed his pleasantly entertained mood.

    "Nope." proclaimed Rose, happy that Sandor was playing instead of ignoring her until ordered otherwise.

   "Is it the Baratheon Flag?" he questioned, the lone yellow and black flag immediately catching his eye among the red of the Lannister crimson.

    "It is, the mighty stag surrounded by a sea of yellow. How did you know?" Rose queried, shocked that she hadn't been able to stump Sandor.

    "Because I'm not a cunt." He stated simply, making her frown.

     "We're arriving!" Screamed Jaime Lannister as the gates of Winterfell came into sight. At this news Joffery emerged from the carriage to take one of the Kingsguard's horse, much to the amusement of Rose. Rose was then left by Sandor, who had lowered his dog head helm and moved behind Joffery to protect him. Jaime took Sandor's place beside Rose and proceeded to join Rose's game of the three-eyed-raven, the two laughing as they approached the gates.

     Within an hour the sun had risen greatly and the caravan entered Winterfell, home of the Starks. Upon entering Rose saw the Stark family lined up, ready to welcome the royal family in front of Winterfell's northerners.

     As the carriage stopped, Rose couldn't help but admire Winterfell as she fully entered the courtyard. Smiling as she followed the carriage anxiously, the warm courtyard different from the north she had seen during her excursion beyond the wall.

   Rose even believed she saw snow that was falling, reminding her of the cold winds and unforgiving snow in the truth north. In Rose's admiration she failed to notice that all eyes had fallen into a daze, preferring to stare at the southern beauty then at their fat King. She was so enthralled by the castle's beauty, that she didn't realize that Robert had already greeted the Starks and was beckoning to her until he screamed her name.

     "Rose!" Robert bellowed, effectively startling said girl out of her daydream, "Come." At this command Rose dismounted her steed in a hurry, making her stumble slightly before recovering her pride, approaching the line of Starks and her brother-in-law.

    "This is my sister-in-law, lady Rose of house Lannister. Rose, this is my old friend Lord Eddard Stark." Robert introduced, smiling at the two people with a warm smile.

    "It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Rose. I hope that you find Winterfell to be welcoming." Ned said, nodding his head as a show of respect.

   "It is an honor to meet you as well Lord Stark, though I must implore you to call me by my name and not title. Your castle and home are beautiful, books do not serve it justice." Rose stated, sending a genuine smile towards the Starks.

   "I am pleased you find it beautiful. This is my Lady wife, Catelyn Stark."

   "It's a pleasure my La- Rose," Catelyn said catching herself, "These are my children."

   "Robb Stark, Rose." Spoke the eldest who stood on Ned's right as he leaned over to kiss Rose's hand. Staring into her warm eyes through the mess of his auburn curls.

   "My name is Sansa, my lady. You're so beautiful. I've heard so much about you my lady. It's an honor to meet you." Interrupted Sansa, causing Robb's lingering lips to separate from Rose's hand as she moved down the line to greet the other Stark children.

     "And I, you. But do call me Rose."

    "Of course."

   "My name is Arya," Said the youngest girl with confidence, smiling at the renown warrior. "I like your sword."

  "Thank you." Rose smiled with a wink to the youngest girl, earning a broad smile.

   "My name is Bran, you're very pretty." He stated happily, without a care in the world.

    "Thank you, milord," Responded Rose, gazing at the boy with kind eyes and a teasing smile, "I'm not often called pretty."

   "That's shocking." Robb called from his position at the other end of the line of Starks, earning an eye roll from Rose.

   "My name is Rickon." spoke the smallest Stark, stepping out of his place next to his mother.

    "It is lovely to meet you, Rickon." Rose smiled at the adorable little Lord.

    "Take me to her." Demanded Robert once the introductions were done, much to Cersei's obvious distaste as her eyebrows furrowed in discomfort and agitation.

    "We have traveled for a month my love, surely the dead can wait." Informed Cersei, a fake smile gracing her features effortlessly.

    "Ned." Robert repeated, before being led away by Ned. Leaving the group behind.

     "I'm sure you are all exhausted, allow me to lead you to your rooms," Spoke Catelyn, interrupting the tension that was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

     "I agree." Said the Queen, tearing her eyes from the direction Robert had just went. Rose however returned to staring at the sky and light flurry, while the Stark children and all northerners returned to staring at the strawberry blonde beauty. Rose didn't know or care. In that moment, she only cared about the snow.

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