On the Road Again

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Rose smiled as she snuck around the halls, her footsteps silent in the busy hallway. A smirk present on her lips as she bounced down the hall, her hands holding her thick cape close to her skin to avoid the rustling of the fur.

Sneaking through the hall and ducking into shadowy corners reminded Rose of her childhood, memories flashing through her mind and making her smile.

Little Rose giggled to herself as she ran across the floor. Her long silk dress scraping across the ground as she glanced over her should and laughed, her Septa cursing and chasing after her. Rose laughed as she faced forward and continued to sprint down the hall, dodging past the legs of tall guards that chuckled as she ran by.

"Grab her." The Septa yelled at the guards, distraught at the men who merely remained leaning against the wall. The guards shook their heads but followed the Septa and joined the chase, Rose began to laugh loudly as the guards lightly jogged after her, the little toddler beaming as the men let her run.

"We're going to get you." The guards called out through their laughs, clearly not trying to catch her because of how much fun the little girl was having.

Rose giggled and glanced behind her, seeing that the Septa had given up, but the guards were still on her trail. Before Rose could turn back to face forward, a pair of arms scooped her up. Rose felt her heart stop as she turned back to face the person who now held her captive.

"What is a little lady like yourself doing running down the hallway?" Rose looked up, her eyes meeting the emerald eyes of her big brother.

"Jaime!" Rose grinned, flashing her smile. The hole where her tooth had been exposed, she poked her tongue through the whole in her mouth making Jaime make a funny face.

"Rosie." Jaime screamed just as enthusiastically, Rose snuggling into his arms as Jaime lifted a hand and dismissed the guards behind her. Jaime glanced down at Rose and moved his hand to grab her foot, letting her dangle from her foot.

"Apologize for running away from your septa." Jaime lectured, but Rose just burst out laughing. The Septa panting as she caught up, watching as Jaime chuckled at his little sister.

"I'm not sorry." Rose cried out as she giggled, rustling around as Jaime grinned.

"I'm sorry miss, I'll put her in her room."

The Septa couldn't say anything as Jaime turned and walked away, picking Rose up and her legs wrapped around his waist. Jaime chuckled to himself as Rose giggled.

Jaime looked down and grinned at her, the little girl was giddy at the thought that she and her brother had tricked her Septa. "She fell for it!"

"Yeah she did," Jaime agreed with a smile, "Lets go mess with Tyrion, we have to get him back for last time."

Rose grinned mischievously, "Okay."

Rose grinned at the thought, remembering how she always got caught because of how noisy she was.

Now Rose made sure she made no noise and no one's eyes followed her as she sneaked through Winterfell. Rose dashed down a hall, her eyes settling on the familiar sight of the pantry. Rose pressed her back against the wall, fading into the shadows as she waited for someone to pass through the door.

Rose held her breath as a soldier walked past her and opened the door wide, walking into the pantry. Rose glanced around, making sure no one else was present as she crouched and followed the man into the door. Sliding her body through the crack of the door right before it closed, crouching down and sliding across the floor.

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