The Battle of King's Landing

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A loud crash sounds, causing dust to trickle from the ceiling as Rose, Sandor, and Arya slow to a stop.

The trio had managed to slip past the guards and had made their way up the winding staircases towards the highest tower where Cersei would be. But the horrible clanging of the dragon pounding against the castle and the distant sound of the bells had exhausted them, causing them to pause in one room of the Red Keep.

Rose's eyes sweep over the cracked map of Westeros that had been painted across the floor, her eyes shooting back up to her companions as a loud slam echoes through the rooms.

The castle walls seem to shake as dragon screeches fill the air. A chill trailing up Rose's spin at the haunting cry of Drogon and the crumbling ceiling making the group pause. Sandor takes a step forward, watching the ceiling in disbelief as the centuries old castle creaked and started to collapse.

Sandor turns back to face Arya and Rose, shaking his head. "Go home girls."

Rose steps forward, gently grabbing Sandor's arm. Sandor looks down and into Rose's beautiful brown eyes, making Rose frown at the clear sorrow and anger that poured out of Sandor's steel grey eyes.

"Fire will get her, or one of the Dorthraki. Or maybe that dragon will eat her." Sandor shook off Rose's hold, turning to address the both of them, "Doesn't matter, she's dead."

"And you'll be dead too, if you don't get out of here." Sandor claimed, but Arya shook her head. Rage marring her face as she pushed past Sandor, walking towards the staircase that would lead them to the tallest tower in the castle.

Rose's arm shot out, grabbing Arya and pulling her back. Forcing the stubborn Stark to meet her stare.

"Is it worth it?" Rose asked, her voice cracking. "Revenge is sweet, yes, but at the cost of everything."

Arya scrunched her face up but stopped trying to pull her arm from Rose's strong grip. Sandor stepped closer to the girl, making Arya look up into his eyes. Desperation began to fill her brown eyes, pleading for him to just let her go.

"You think you wanted revenge a long time ago, I've been after it all my life. It's all I care about." Arya pulls her arm out of Rose's grip, but Sandor is quick to stop her from running farther. Snarling as he leans over Arya. "Look at me. Look at me! You want to be like me?"

Arya's breathing heavily, making Rose step closer and cup the Stark's face in her hand. The soft tender touch made Arya's eyes well with tears as she looked between Rose and Sandor.

Rose looked up, catching Sandor's gaze before looking back at Arya with determination and acceptance flashing across her eyes.

"You come with us; you die here."

Sandor reaches over, patting Arya's shoulder once before pushing past the two girls. Walking towards the entrance to the grand staircase. Arya turned to look at Rose, breathing heavily while Rose gave her a sad smile.

"But what about your wish?" Arya's voice was a whisper. Rose grinned broadly, tears leaking out of the crinkled corners of her eyes.

"I leave that to you," Arya shook her head as salty tears began pouring steadily from her eyes. Rose wiped away Arya's tears with the pad of her thumb, giving the young girl a single nod.

Rose ruffled Arya's hair with a quiet chuckle, her eyes quickly memorizing every line of Arya's face, before she pushed past the Stark. Walking to join Sandor's large body that waited in the doorway.

Arya stays put, her silent tears falling to the ground in quiet droplets. Arya turns around at the last moment, watching Rose joining Sandor in the doorway.

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