Jon Arryn

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       "Rose!" screamed Myrcella upon seeing her now eighteen-year-old aunt ride into the courtyard upon her midnight colored steed, fresh from her most recent travel to Essos. Rose turned from the man she had convinced to travel back with her, Syrio Forel, her mentor and friend who had met her upon her return.

       "Hello little princess." Jested Rose as she dismounted from her horse. A group of the King's guard that accompanied her on her return trailing behind, tired from trying to catch the gorgeous Lannister. Sandor Clegane was the only man to keep up with the mischievous women as she spurred her steed on, in hopes of losing those assigned to watch her and insure her safe return.

    "You're not wearing a dress." Pointed out Joffery, stating the obvious. Though his words were true, unlike his usual comments that proved to be false.

       Rose wore black trousers that clung to her body, with pale blue lace strips that ran along the sides of her legs. A loose bright blue blouse, that slightly revealed the cream corset the women was forced into. Around her shoulders hung a black cloak that hugged her body and reached her light grey knee length leather boots.

Her frizzy and unkempt strawberry locks down, reaching her lower back. Her sturdy wooden bow and quiver slung over her shoulders, and her belt holding the sheathed Valyrian daggers. Her body radiating elegance, the majestic aura aided by the simple yet perfect outfit.

      "Of course, I'm not Joff," Rose stated as her oldest nephew looked at her with admiration, "What did you expect?"

       "Please?" asked Tommen, his innocence and purity portrayed in his emerald eyes as he bounded over to Rose, gesturing to be picked up.

    "Sorry Tommen," Rose spoke softly, "I only stopped to see you all before I return my horse to her stall."

   "You should let my dog do that for you," Joffery commented, disappointed that Rose couldn't stay, "You must let servants do stuff for you, you can't do everything yourself."

    "Joff, it is not Sandor nor anyone's place to do anything for me. I am capable of functioning on my own, and I will return soon children. But first I must to speak with Jon Arryn." Rose said, quickly ruffling Joffery's hair before and mounting her steed.

    "Bye!" Screamed Myrcella and Tommen as they chased after Rose and her guards.

    "Bye little ones." Jested Rose before galloping to the stables in earnest. When there, she and the men removed their horse's saddle and reigns before placing them over their respective stall door. Rose fed Shadow an apple before bidding goodbye to her men.

    "Thank you for accompanying me today. I'll see you soon Syrio." The men responded with smiles and farewells, Sandor merely grunting.

      No one had ever treated the guards as kindly as Rose had, so the men knew that Rose needn't have thanked them for escorting her into the safety of the castle. Syrio waved goodbye as Rose left the room, making her laugh as she walked away.

    Rose walked down the halls of the castle, sometimes tripping over her feet as she bid those who passed her a lovely day. Making a fool of herself merely six times, before she finally entered the great hall of King's Landing only to be surprised at the solemn look on everyone's faces. All eyes turned towards her as she entered, making her feel anxious.

     "Is something wrong?" Rose questioned. She couldn't help but look around the assembled audience for the sick yet stubborn Jon Arryn and her other friends, but she only saw the royal family and the Lannisters surrounding King Robert on his beloved Iron Throne.

    It was a while before Robert Baratheon rose from his throne with some difficulty, looking at his favorite family member with a sad look on his usually jolly face.

     "Jon Arryn is dead."

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