Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

Have you ever had a Homer Simpson moment? Like, a moment where you want to just close your eyes, maybe slap yourself across the face, and say "D'oh!" in an obnoxious voice?

I ask because the minute Sebastian told me where we were going, I wanted to have one, and suddenly all I wanted to do was ask him all the questions nagging at my brain. I wanted to grab his collar and shake him senseless, demand he tell me more about what his plans were, and just, just everything. It seriously aggravated me because I knew nothing would ever happen even if I did, but it sure as hell didn't stop me from opening my big fat mouth, now, did it?


"We're going where?" I squawked, gawking at him in disbelief. I couldn't believe him, he had to be joking, there was no way he could possibly be taking me to--

"North Carolina," Sebastian grunted, pushing the door open and heading outside, "and we won't be stopping for any reason until we get there, so hurry the fuck up."

I almost dropped my suitcases on the stairway in shock.  

"B-b-but, that's a twelve hour drive!" I spluttered, then twitched and nervously added, "not to mention, to cross the state line I'd need some sort of identification card, which I don't have!"

"I have a false ID," he growled, folding his arms as I hobbled past him, "and you look young enough to pass off as a minor, so that'll be the excuse for your lack of one if the need for it arises. If anyone gets too inquisitive about who you are, I'll tell them that you're my niece."

"Your niece?!" I shrilled, whipping around and giving him an affronted glare. "What the fuck do you mean, your niece?! Can't I be a nephew, at least?! I mean, fuck, I am a guy, ya know!"

"Nobody would believe it," he flatly informed me, and I cringed, since he had a point; then, to my confusion he pointed down the street. "Go get inside. It's already been parked."

I followed his finger and blinked, squinting, until another shock went through me. You see, there was what looked to me like a black RV down the road from where we were standing, parked off the shoulder of the bridge. I eyed it warily, then looked back at him.

"Where did you get that?"  I suspiciously asked. "Where'd it even come from?"

"None of your business," he nonchalantly grumbled, then raised his leg and roughly kicked me in the butt. "Get going. Now."

"B-but," I spluttered, stumbling towards it in dismay, "if we're not making any stops, I'll burn to death when the sun comes up! I can't be in the sun! Even if the windows are tinted, it'll still--"

"There are no windows in the back," he growled, irises shifting to neon yellow. "Now shut up and get in the damn camper. You're testing my patience."

I swallowed past the dryness in my throat but did as he told me to, waddling down the road.

"I'll need blood before we get there," I reluctantly warned, hefting my suitcases with aching muscles; the wind brushed against my skinny legs and ruffled the hem of my sweater. My bangs were brushed back off my forehead and I breathed deep, inhaling the sweet scent of summer. 

It hit me, then, that I was going to be venturing farther than I'd ever gone in my whole life.

I'd never left my home state even once since the day I'd been born.

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