Chapter 106

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Chapter One Hundred and Six

I don't know what I was expecting to see when we got back to the house, but a full-blown party sure as hell wasn't on the list.

I gawped through the cab's windows as we pulled into the driveway and came to a halt. The vehicle's lights came on as doors were opened and everyone slid out of the warmth into the cold early morning air. To my shock, there was in fact a very frat-like drinking party going on.

Someone had set a long table up on the courtyard and the center of it was loaded with food-all kinds, kinds I had never tasted, kinds I didn't know Diana was even capable of making. Though the air was cold, a warm breeze blew and set my hair to stirring atop my head; it would undoubtedly get much colder in the upcoming days. I wished I had thought to bring a coat.

Chairs all around the table held all of the people frequenting the manor, and most of them were laughing, eating, and otherwise having a grand old time. Jak and Sebastian seemed unaffected by the sight, but Horst and Cassidy seemed just as surprised as I felt.

"What the heck is all this?" I asked when my grumpy werewolf set a big hand on my shoulder and steered me towards the table. "When did--"

"Diana texted me and asked if she could, and I agreed," he informed me, and I noticed the cab heading back down the long driveway. "Sunrise is in half an hour so there's still a little bit of time for you and I to mingle."

"You did all this for us?" Jak asked, sounding disbelieving. "I find that difficult to fathom."

Sebastian cast a slow glare back at him, then at his confused son, before quietly uttering, "me not liking you as a person does not give me the right to show you or your family no courtesy."

That silenced everyone for a second. I frowned.

"Party after party," Cassidy sighed, hefting the boxed food she'd brought back from Moonies. "I'm gonna go kiss my wife and then I'm turning in. I've had enough excitement for a while."

"Go ahead," Sebastian muttered. "It won't be long before Aerin and I do the same, "

"Well, thanks for the night out," she said, and with only a quick glance at me she swept away. I watched her go, raising an eyebrow as she sashayed over to where Diana was quietly chatting with the muscle-chub, who I remembered being called Buck, and kissing her on the mouth.

"Here, boy," Jak muttered from behind me. "Take this."

"Huh?" Horst asked. "What is it?"

"Just take it."

I would have looked back had Sebastian not lifted me into his arms and kissed me before I could. His eyes smoldered into mine as he brushed my lips with his tongue, making my toes curl as the coils of his heat settled into my guts. I melted, locking my legs around his waist and draping my arms across his shoulders to ensnare his thick neck.

He smirked against my mouth as he carried me over to the table, unhooking and adjusting my legs before flopping in one of the chairs. I settled on his lap and looked at the slowly lightening sky, studying the indigo light that was faintly illuminating the swaying branches above us.

Most of my not-quite-friends didn't look at us aside from Leo, who was sitting directly to our left, and all he did was give a quick once-over. On the other hand, directly across the table from us was the skinny beanie-wearing blonde guy with the dreadlocks, who blatantly ogled me.

His forward and much-too-obvious stare made me extremely uncomfortable.

Is he the one who made the weird comments about Kyle? I wondered, shifting as he looked me up and down. Ick... I see what he meant, this guy isn't subtle at all when it comes to staring.

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