Chapter 158

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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Eight

My nap never came because Jak woke up while Horst and Woody were downstairs.

I only knew he was conscious because of the violent coughs and choking.

"My neck," he wheezed. "Horst...? Horst...?! Where are you?!"

I rocketed out of bed and sprang off the mattress, coming to rest beside him and pressing my hands flat against his chest to keep him from moving. His dark eyes landed on me, disoriented and confused and pained so I forced a reassuring smile.

"He's downstairs with Woody getting something to eat," I said gently, swallowing hard when he looked at me a little more closely and intently. "He'll be back in a little while but to be honest... he got lucky. Really lucky."

"What happened?" he rasped, raising a hand and touching his bandaged neck. "Why am I in so much pain? The last thing I can recall was talking to my boy, and then... nothing."

"What happened is... everyone's pretty much lost their mind because of hormones," I carefully murmured, rubbing his arm in a soothing manner. "One of your guys lost control of himself and broke your neck before attempting to assault Horst. I stopped him, of course, but he said things to the kid that he definitely shouldn't have heard, things that are... personal to you."

"What did he say?" Jak whispered, dark skin draining of color. "Tell me."

"He mentioned the incident, the one that... gave you Horst," I grimly admitted, squeezing his shoulder when he jerked; he hissed in pain, clutching his neck, but I held him still. "He was being really vicious and nasty about it so I don't think the kid took it too seriously, but still... I think it'd be better if you tried to talk to him about it at some point."

Jak said nothing, simply stared up at the ceiling with an expression of raw hopelessness.

"Who was it who assaulted me and my son?" he asked in a very quiet drone. "Tell me."

"Dave Meyer," I said just as quietly. "The younger of the Meyer brothers."

He sighed through his nose.

"When I am healed," he muttered, clenching his fists, "he will kneel... and I will kill him."

My stomach jerked and I immediately blurted, "like hell you will! You're not killing anyone from your pack! They're your family! People make mistakes, sometimes huge mistakes, and I think it would be better if the most you did was give him a very well-deserved ass beating."

"He broke my neck, bashed my head in until I lost consciousness, then tried to sexually assault my son, a fifteen year old child," Jak hissed at me, "while spewing personal traumas that were not his to disclose to anyone--least of all the person it would likely hurt the most."

"So, beat his fucking ass for it," I snorted, scowling at the memory. "Beat him black and blue, and if anyone bothers questioning you... go ahead and tell them what he did to you and your kid, put him to shame for it. Once you're satisfied... make him swear he'll never do it again, and then force him to apologize to everybody he hurt, especially Horst."

His eyes drifted to my face and stared me down.

"I'm lucky to be alive," he retorted. "Why are you so adamant about forgiveness?"

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