Chapter 119

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Warning: There's a wholesome, loving, semi-lemon in the beginning of this chapter. I apologize in advance, but I will say that if any of you want to skip it, look for the bold writing and continue from there. I love you readers and I hope you enjoy!


Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen

I was woken with a kiss.

It stirred me from my dreamless sleep, rousing me and making my lips tingle with heat. 

I murmured something unintelligible, arms tucked beneath the pillow, warm darkness enfolding my stomach and chest and between my legs. I inhaled deeply, the scent of wood and earth and flames and iron and pine and something masculine filling my lungs, overloading my half-asleep senses.

Warm kisses brushed my chin, dusting my jawline, trailing a path of scalding sensation down to my throat. I moaned a little as a heavy hand ghosted my sides, making me arch into something powerful and solid. It took me a few moments of heavily aroused, dreamy moments to come to.

"Good morning, Beloved," my fiance purred into my ear, chuckling lowly when I shivered. "I am going to make love to you before we start our day."

"M'sleepy," I murmured, squeaking my eyes open and staring vacantly at the ceiling as he parted my thighs with his knees and allowed his weight to settle on me. "You're so warm..."

"Burning," he whispered, playfully nipping my ear as he raised my lower torso. "Can I?"

I blinked through half-lidded eyes, feeling like a lazy lion that had just been woken from a nap.

I looked at him, at the intensity in his gaze, and relaxed against the feeling of his rigid heat.

"You can," I murmured back. "I love you."

"I love you, too," he breathed, caressing my cheek. "So damn much."

For a moment, pain bloomed... and then, he began to move, and my mind went white. I couldn't breathe right, couldn't function, couldn't think, all I could do was ride the waves of pleasure that began to tear through me. I looked into his eyes, ferocious and dimly glowing, intense beneath his heavy set brow. His strong jaw was clenched, pupils blown wide, gazing at me.

Memorizing me. Every sound that left my parted lips, every expression that crossed my face, every moment that I looked at him and loved him and let him love me. He was rough, but slow, and his beautiful body rippled in the dark as he made passionate love to me.

My toes curled and I writhed, breathing coming in shaky and leaving just as jerkily, wanting to flail and do something, anything, but finding myself unable to seeing how most of my lower torso was pinned beneath his massive weight and tangled in the blankets.

"Bash," I whispered, breathing his name, but he silenced me by kissing me deeply. His movements became harsher, rougher, making me whimper past his lips but he pushed my head down with his own, Frenching me into the deepest edge of oblivion.

I love this man, I whispered to my heart. His eyes burned into mine, aggressive but passionate with a fearsome amount of emotion, never blinking, never flinching, just staring solidly into my own. His curls were plastered to his forehead when he finally pulled his mouth away from mine, jaw tightening and breathing coming harsher. Sweat gleamed in a gorgeous sheen on his bronze skin.

"Aerin," he growled, movements coming sharper; he clenched his teeth. "Fuck. You're mine!"

He let out a cough deep in his throat and gave one last thrust, arching his body and looking directly into my eyes with a snarl on his face. I wheezed, quivering from the overload of pleasure and physical intensity, but then I relaxed and focused on quelling my involuntary shivers. 

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