Chapter 114

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Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen

I don't know how long I stared at Leo, trying to figure out if he was serious.

"You want... me... to let you cut my throat?" I asked blankly, touching my neck. 

"Yes," he said simply, studying me with sheer intensity. "If you truly want me to trust you... put your life in my hands. Show me that you trust me with it, selflessly."

"Um... if you cut my throat, I'll die," I said a little shakily, swallowing my terror. "I'll actually die."

"Will you?" he quipped, raising an eyebrow. "Well, die or not, that's the condition. Whether you decide to put your trust in me is on you."

I shivered violently and looked at the floor, gaze fluttering nervously back and forth across the tiles. My vision swum a little but, more from nausea and anxiety than an oncoming flashback of distorted memories and frightening vision. I felt, for a moment, like I was going to throw up.

I wanted him to trust me. I was uncertain about this, about the end result. 

If he did this to me, and I died, he would be... well, they'd probably kill him. Sebastian definitely would, but he would also be destroyed if Leo killed me, that someone in his own group of wolves had done it--I shook the thought of how devastated he would be away.

It wouldn't happen, Leo wouldn't let it happen, this was just... a test.

A frightening, terrifying test... I had to pass it.

I had to pass it if I was ever going to truly belong, so, despite my fear, I looked up.

Met his inquisitive and focused stare.

"F-fine," I whispered, and his brows rose slightly, eyes settling into a bored look. "I... I'll... do it."

"You will?" he asked, casually walking over to the counter and pulling a long, sharp butcher knife out of the holder. I swallowed, terrified beyond words, but I tensed and squeezed my eyes shut so I wouldn't have to see anything. "Are you sure?"

"No the fuck I'm not," I squeaked out, shaking my head rapidly, "but... I want to be. This is a gamble for me, a gamble involving my life, and yeah, I'm terrified but I... I just want to be... trusted by you and everyone else and... and, you know, liked. I wanna belong! If this is what it takes, do it!"

I felt his heat wash against my back as a heavy hand gently gripped my hair, tugging my head back. My mouth quivered and my entire face scrunched at the sensation of cold metal against my neck. My breathing juddered and I tried to relax as I felt a slight sting in my skin.

"You're putting your life in my hands," he said lowly. "If I wanted to... I could let you bleed to death."

"I... I-I know," I whispered, trying not to shake. "I-I know you could."

"And you're still allowing it," he continued, but it wasn't a question. 


He remained still, but I didn't move, tensing... preparing for the blade to cut, to dig in, hating it, hating the waiting, hating the idea of letting someone do... 

"You're such a fucking idiot."

My insides froze at his sullen tone. My thoughts broke when his hand tightened on my hair and his whole body jerked. I flinched, expecting pain, but I felt nothing. I waited for the feeling of being ripped open, for the blood to gush down my cut neck, but instead I heard a clatter. 

I squeaked an eye open, mouth still trembling, and touched my skin to find it whole.


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