Chapter 120

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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty

"Ugh," Tiffany groaned, leaning back in dismay as we sat in the gates. "This shit sucks."

"Oh, bad language, la! Pretty girl like you should no use a swear!" the chubby, thickset Asian woman who'd saved me chided, giving her a scolding look. "How you get married to nice man and have good happy if you do potty mouth?"

"Ughhhhh," Tiffany groaned, this time more exaggerated, and wiggled her engagement ring. "For the third time, Feng-Feng, I'm already engaged to a nice man! The bestest man ever!"

"He no love you if you use bad potty mouth!" she scolded, then looked at me and frowned immensely before reaching out with the ice pack she'd been mothering me with. "Your pretty face bruising... bad man hit you very hard, la? It hurt?"

I nodded, not having the energy to talk, even when she pushed my hair aside so she could hold the soothing coolness against my cheek. My savior, who had happily introduced herself as Mrs. Wu Tao Feng--nickname, Feng-Feng--had followed us here after Tiffany called Sebastian. 

He'd been beyond pissed when she'd told him why we'd missed the flight, but he'd given us very clear instructions then and there to go inform someone on the airport staff that we'd missed our plane. He'd told us that we needed to check if there was another one leaving tonight.

Lucky for us, there was one heading for Mantua that would board at two in the morning.

We still had our first class tickets, of course, and we'd gotten ourselves situated to wait, but the plan to keep me from burning was going to be far more complicated.

Sebastian told us that I would have nothing to worry about and special arrangements would be made to get me off the plane without burning to death.

I was scared, to be honest... I didn't know how he was gonna manage to pull off something like that. I winced, breath hissing out as Feng-Feng pressed a little too hard on my aching cheek.

"Oh, la, I sorry!" she apologized, narrow eyes squinting. "That hurt?"

"A little," I said, then raised my hand and patted hers. "Thank you for this, but don't you have a flight to catch?"

"Oh, I already here!" she said, beaming at me. "I go to beautiful city in Italy! Meet husband for special wedding anniversary! He my true love, married thirty three years!"

As she spoke, she excitedly pulled her phone out of her pocket and tapped something. 

Tiffany and I watched as a holographic photo popped out of the screen, showing the big, pleasant-faced Asian woman and a small, balding, elderly man of similar ethnicity holding her in front of a small rural house. 

"Is that your home?" I asked, and she nodded, looking at the image fondly. 

"La, in Thailand," she told me, dimples appearing in her chubby cheeks as she smiled; her whole face softened, the lines of age vanishing from her features. "Husband and I have hard life. We raise four children and send all to college. Now they grown up, so we focus on good happy."

"Aww, that's adorable," Tiffany crooned, wrapping an arm around me. "That's gonna be you and Sebastian someday, Aerin... oh, and me and Woody, too."

"Oh, you have picture? Of bestest man, la?!" Feng-Feng asked, eyes turning into little more than gleeful crescents. "Show Mama Feng-Feng!"

"Okay, okay," Tiffany sighed, pulling her own phone out; seconds later, a photo of Woody smiling awkwardly for a selfie that the two of them had taken in his room at some point flashed into view. She was holding the phone, their cheeks pressed together in delight and cuddling.

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