Chapter 121

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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One

I awoke from the suddenness of being jerked upward, not violently but enough to make my head spin in disarray. I felt nauseous, heart beating in overtime, trying to process things and figure out where I was as a bizarre dinging sound filled my ears.

"Forgive me for disturbing you all with this announcement," an unfamiliar male voice said in a stern, rough tone. "I would like to ask everyone to please fasten their seat belts for safety's sake. We are flying into some unpleasant weather and there's going be a little bit of turbulence."

I heard a mumble directly beside me and turned my head, soft hair that smelled like lavender sliding off my face with the movement. I wondered for a few seconds where I was and why the room was shaking and juddering, brain not fully connecting.

"Wha's happening?" Tiffany croaked into my ear. "Are we there? Are we landing?"

What? What was she saying? Landing...?

I was so tired I could barely haul my eyes open, but with a herculean amount of effort I lifted my exhausted lids to see her groggily looking around, platinum blonde hair a mess. I sleepily squinted at her with my mouth open, then glanced down at the long seat we were both cuddled up on, then at the shuddering white walls, and it all came back in a rush.

We were on the plane to Italy.

"How long were we sleeping?" I rasped, swallowing past the dry tingle in my throat.

"No idea," she said, but then her eyes snapped open wide and she clutched me since the plane jerked and shook, wobbling back and forth in a way that almost made me roll off the chair. I froze, startled and nauseous, and I heard a few muffled shouts from somewhere nearby.

A baby started crying not long after.

"What the hell is happening?" I asked, sitting up and looking around; Feng-Feng was completely out of it, snoring softly with her head lolling, shoes tucked in her bag and the seat belt keeping her strapped in place while she slept. The plane shuddered again and I gasped, clutching Tiff's arm for support. "Holy shit! Are we gonna crash or something?!"

"I-I don't think so," she said calmly, pulling her phone out with a frown. "I have my phone set to Italy's time zone... and it says it's almost eleven in the morning. We should be landing soon."

"That's comforting," I said, stomach flipping as the plane wobbled again. "I'm half tempted to look out the window and see what the hell is happening."

"Oh, no, don't you dare!" Tiffany scolded. "You'll burn!"

"Yeah, I got that," I muttered. "I'm not dumb."

She rolled her eyes and was about to say something, but the air literally changed. Tiffany's breath hitched at the same moment that I arched, closing my eyes in shock. Electricity filled the cabin, something so dense and impregnated with static that a mere touch begged for lightning to strike. Shaking, I pulled my phone out of my sweatshirt pocket and checked the weather for Mantua, Italy.

A chill ran down my spine.

A storm was raging across that part of the country which probably meant we were flying into the thunderhead. The plane jolted and I was sent sprawling into Tiffany's lap. She clutched me with both arms and I held my breath without meaning to, bracing myself and letting the weight of it drop into the pit of my stomach, a low and sudden feeling that made me feel like I was falling.

The plane dipped and I heard gasps behind me, something shouted in what sounded like Spanish, and there were muffled screams from coach. I let out a yelp as my hair rose and then gravity suddenly returned, far heavier than before, pushing me down into the seat.

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