Chapter 183

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Author's note: This chapter is probably the one that made me, personally, the most emotional while I was writing it. I hope you enjoy, and keep in mind that everything in this book is setting the foundation for the sequel with Horst as the main protagonist. To those of you suggesting continuing the book on another one, I don't wanna! Lol, I intend to have the story continue after a five year gap and an entirely new one will begin where the previous left off!

So, instead, I'm doing the editing method! Losing a few comments will make me sad, but overall I just wanna stuff the whole book into one big happy package!

Sidenote, this is not the last chapter! DON'T WORRY!

Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! And another shout out to Ambermention a user  because even now she's basically feeding me. Life has been a struggle since that time I caught bronchitis during one of my typical health dips. I'm eating and have basic things that I typically couldn't afford thanks to her wonderful actions. She is, truly, one of my new heroes and a big inspiration.

Thanks for treasuring me and lending an ear, Amber! Truly and completely!

This chapter's for you.


Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Three

Before me stood a house, but it wasn't a house. It was a house merged, inexplicably, with a sprawling building of metal and glass, surrounded on all sides by a green lawn that stretched away into featureless dark. Stars peppered the sky, Orion bright among thembut large. Far larger than it should have been, like the night sky had been invaded by three silver suns.

Oddly enough, I recognized the house and the glass building. One was my childhood home. The other was the music hall at my college. Why they were fused together in such a way, I could not say. I didn't question what I saw, though. Dreams didn't suffer waking logic... oh.

Oh, was that what this was?

I shook my head slowly, bringing disoriented hands to my face, and then I stopped to look at my fingers and palms. I blinked, then blinked again, realizing that I was somehow completely lucid. I reached up and grabbed my hair, pulling it over my shoulder.

Blonde. No... brown? White?

It shifted oddly, one second seeming to be one thing, the next completely different altogether, as if it couldn't really figure out what color it was. A roiling feeling slid into my stomach as I looked around, then raised my hands and slapped my cheeks with both of them.

I felt absolutely nothing.

The odd sight before me didn't so much as flicker. It was still vivid. Still colorful.

Still odd.

"What is this?" I muttered, blinking. "Bash? Bash, am I asleep?"

No response... or at least, not one that made any sense. The moment after I called out, a strain of music, of gorgeous piano, drifted from the patchwork structure. The melody traipsed sweet and melancholic through the air. I shifted one foot, then the other, and walked toward it.

The nearest door to me was made of glass, large and heavy. It led me into the music hall, into a corridor lined with windows and a slick tile floor. The windows overlooked the green lawn outside from a high vantage point. Somehow I'd entered the structure's second floor without climbing stairs. I walked down the hall, fluorescents bright overhead, and with each step the music grew louder. I didn't know where I was going or where the music would lead but I sensed I should follow the melody. It beckoned like a curling hand, gentle and insistent.

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