Chapter 24

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Chapter Twenty Four

I slept like the dead.

You might think that means I slept well, or that I was at least feeling rested, but you'd be wrong. My sleep was dreamless and very discomforting, and I felt like I'd barely slept at all by the time Tiffany burst into my room like a wildebeest on steroids.

"Good morning, Aerin!" she yodeled. "Get up! Come on! Up, up, up!"

I moaned into my pillow as the bedroom lights were flipped on, but jumped, startled, when a bundle of cloth landed on top of me. I blearily opened my eyes and squinted at the fabric, then looked up at the object of my grumpiness and scowled.

"What time and day is it?" I hoarsely asked. "How long was I asleep?"

"It's Monday, about eight in the evening," Leo supplied, poking his head around the corner and peering in as the blonde woman walked over to my bedside. "You slept a good sixteen hours."

"Indeed you did," Tiffany added, grabbing my blankets and dragging them off of me, "and now its time for you to let loose and forget about your problems. Come on! Get up and get dressed!"

I sat up and swayed in place, unable to open my eyes all the way, and groggily peered in the direction of the doorway. Sebastian was standing beside Leo, beefy arms folded, looking down at me with an unreadable expression. I peered at everyone with squinted eyes, confused.

"Why do I need to get dressed?" I asked in a gummy voice. "Am I going somewhere?"

"We all are," Tiffany chirped, beaming excitedly; she made a shooing motion. "Get dressed!"

"You should do as she says," Leo drawled, swaggering over and sitting down beside me; I watched, half asleep, as he unraveled the cloth ball, which soon turned into a pair of much-too-large denim pants and a huge black tank top, complete with a pair of black sandals.

A belt was lying on top of them.

"Get dressed right now!" Tiffany repeated, even as she whipped a cell phone from the pocket of her jeans.

"Will someone please tell me what's going on?" I complained as Leo pulled me out of bed and onto my feet. "Hey, easy, I'm tired."

"Well, there's no time! We've got a cab already on the way!" Tiffany said, just as a ringtone filled the air; startled, she pulled out a cell and flipped it open with a crisp, "hello?"

I'm sure you're thinking, wait, didn't flip phones die out in the early 2000s? The answer is yes, yes they did, but you know how people say trends go back in style? Yeah. That's true. History does, in fact, repeat itself. See, in the year 2022, flip phones came back onto the market but bigger, better, much more capable, and far more resistant to damage.

The trend died out again in 2035, but in 2056 it came back bigger, better, and harder.

There were some major differences, though, since the newer two-piece phones flipped sideways like the hand of a clock instead of going for a vertical straight-out flip. If you wanted to activate the cell phone itself, you needed to twist it open in a perpendicular manner, sort of like you would the blade of a pocket knife. Then again, I personally couldn't figure out who Tiffany was talking to since she and the other wolves seemed isolated from the world.

Who would be calling a werewolf? I vaguely wondered, staring at her face; a pause followed.

"Excuse me?" she suddenly scoffed, face turning mean. "Oh, don't give me that crap, I know it's a long way out, but we have more than enough money to pay, and—"

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