Chapter 83

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Chapter Eighty Three

We were sitting on a fallen log near the edge of the meadow.

I was leaning into his warmth, head pillowed against his leather jacket, and even if I'd wanted to move I wouldn't have been able to since his massive arm was keeping me locked against him. We sat there in complete silence, the music box sitting in my lap, tinkling my mother's song.

I'd rewound it about thirty times already, more than I could count since we'd stopped dancing.

I didn't need to speak for him to know how grateful I was... I showed him my heart in the way I cuddled him and occasionally shifted against him, nuzzling the cool leather with my cheek and head and giving the hot skin beneath it the occasional kiss.

He eventually grunted when I nosed his jacket aside and kissed his underarm.

"You're being unusually bold," he quietly informed me, mouth quirking as he watched me spread my love for him across his skin with every brush of my lips. "Did you enjoy your gift and the dancing that much?"

"Of course," I whispered, twisting slightly so I could plant a trail of kisses across his chest. I gently brushed his nipple with the tips of my sharp fangs, watching through glazed eyes as a wash of goosebumps rose across his tanned flesh, and then I moved back across his pectoral.

He rubbed my shoulder and squeezed me tight, refusing to look away from me.

"You once said," he suddenly began, and I raised my eyes to his, "that my eyes were like stars. You also once said that when I look at you, they flash... and you think it's beautiful."

I vaguely recalled saying both of those things.

"I did," I told him honestly, "and even though I was drunk, I meant it."

"Why?" he inquired, tilting his head. "Why is it that you're so fascinated by my eyes?"

Confusion pricked through me and I blinked before I said, "because they're beautiful. The way your eyes glow reminds me of embers in a fireplace. If you fan the flames, they brighten, but if you let the flames cool off they go dark. Sometimes, though... they look like star-shine."

"Star shine?" he repeated, raising a bushy eyebrow. "Really?"

"Mm hm," I confirmed, nodding against him. "I genuinely love your eyes."

He let go of me so he could turn and grab the music box. After setting it on the log, he gripped my shoulders and forcibly pulled me out of my seat and set me down in the soft grass and flowers; he came with me, legs straddling mine as I was stretched out on my back.

Two heavy hands came down on either side of me as he brought our lips together.

Heat spread through me as his burning mouth moved. His eyes never blinked, they flared brighter, going from dark, to copper, to orange, and then to yellow and back. He was doing this intentionally... how, I had no idea, but he was giving me a personal show.

He pulled away after a time, leaving my lungs breathless and my lips tingling.

"My eyes," he said in a slow, dark tone, staring down at me with an odd rawness, "change depending on my mood. Most werewolves, specifically the ones who had easy lives and a relatively decent time of finding a pack to belong in, have very dark eyes. They only shift like mine do, like my pack's do, when they're upset, unhappy, angry, or close to losing control."

I instantly blinked, startled by that bit of information.

"But, every single person in your pack," I said slowly, "even Tiffany and Kyle... their eyes almost never go any shade darker than dim copper."

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