Chapter 77

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Chapter Seventy Seven

A sound woke me.

I didn't know what it was, but it wasn't loud enough to have jarred me out of sleep past Sebastian's deafening snores. I raised my head and blinked blearily at the door to see that it was still closed, then shut my eyes as I tried to kickstart my brain.

I was lying naked under the covers with Sebastian's thick arm hanging over me like a protective shield and both of my legs pinned beneath his right one, which had curled around me at some point. He was wrapped around me like a cocoon of overwhelming heat.

What did I hear? I sleepily wondered, muddled. What time is it?

Confused, I carefully extricated my arm and haphazardly leaned over Sebastian's massive torso to snag my phone from the nightstand. I tapped the screen to activate it and winced, cringing backwards with my eyes burning from the light. Once I got over my momentary blindness, a quick glance at the time told me it was three in the afternoon on Monday. 

Offhandedly, it hit me that tonight would be a full moon and I wondered how that would go. I was curious about how Sebastian was going to handle it this time, too, but I was too tired to imagine things right then. I would have flopped back down and gone back to sleep if I hadn't heard a thump. My hair stood up and I turned, listening, still feeling confused and tired and finding it hard to keep my eyes open.

"Woody?" I hoarsely called, squinting at the door. "Hello?"

Silence filled the air, punctuated only by the intensely obnoxious snoring ripping itself right into my ear. I yawned after a second, eyes watering with exhaustion, and scratched the haystack I called hair before carefully extricating myself from Sebastian's powerful limbs. 

I wasn't worried about waking him up. I'd come to discover that he was about as heavy of a sleeper as a dead door nail: I literally had to shake him and call his name to rouse him.

A trickle of warm wetness slid down my thighs as I stood up and I sleepily paused, confusedly twisting so I could see what it was. Realization flooded through me after a few moments and I blushed madly, running a shaky hand through my tangled hair.

Last night was extremely intense, so I'm not surprised, I silently mused, using a dirty T-shirt to clean the remnants of last night's loving; I pulled out a fresh tank top and a pair of soft cotton pajama pants after that, carefully pulling them on and fluffing my messy hair out. 

I mentally resolved myself to take a shower before coming back to bed.

I snuffled sleepily, opening the bedroom door and poking my head into the cottage hall; Woody's door was shut tight and all the lights were off. A quick glance around the corner revealed that the television was off, too, which could only mean that he either wasn't home or he was asleep.

I rubbed my eyes and slinked over to his bedroom, knocking quietly.

"Woody?" I whispered. "I'm opening the door, okay?"

I heard no response, not even a shuffle, so I turned the knob and pushed it open. To my surprise, he was sleeping on his side in nothing but a sweat-soaked t-shirt and a pair of dark blue boxers with red and yellow rocket ships stitched into them. His breathing was deep, his pale face was relaxed, and he seemed to be completely out, long red hair lying messy around his head like a halo of tangled fire.

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