Chapter 161

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Chapter One Hundred and Sixty One

Horst burrowed his ass further into the bean bag he was perched on, fluffy tail flapping wildly, tapping the keys of his laptop as if that would spur his character forward faster.

"Fuck, no!" he snarled. "Fuck! Right, right! Not left, right! Fuck, fuck, fuck, no! Aerin!" 

"Gimme a sec," I called into my headset, mashing my buttons with intense focus as I deflected a swipe from a player's sword and punched him in the gut with a burst of lighting magic. The guy's character screamed and shuddered as he was shocked and knocked unconscious and the player himself bitched me out, making me wince. "I'm a little busy!"

"You will be soon, Aerin," Stink_Wrinkles jeered, making my nerves flare up. "So, is this little squeaker your new boyfriend? What happened to the deep-voiced werewolf cunt?"

"He's taking a nap," Jak said coldly, decapitating yet another player with his sword; names flew around the little cave of pillows, "and you would do well to watch your tongue, you little whelp."

"Whelp?" Sneaki squawked. "What the fuck is a whelp?"

"A big, fat, baby!" Horst sneered. "Now, unless you wanna have a fuckin' satyr dick shoved down your throat you should shut your damn mouth you fat fuckin' pussy bitch pieces of shit!" 

"Oh, wow!" Stink gasped, mocking. "Aerin, your friend's got a potty mouth!"

"True," I agreed with a smirk, "but hey, at least he backs up the shit he talks, unlike some little-dicked people I know."

That got him mad almost instantly. I smirked when I saw him draw his sword.

"My dick's bigger than your boyfriend's, bitch," he snarled. 

"Really, Jeremy?" I asked, and he immediately stopped, going dead silent. "Tell me, then, are you eleven and a half inches long and thicker than a beer can? Because if you're not, take your hard little tootsie roll and turn it back into the inverted belly button we all know it really is." 

"FAGGOT!" he roared, lunging at me; instead of drawing things out, I charged up a magic attack, deflected two blows from the guys he'd shown up with, and knocked his swipe aside. He stumbled and my character's white hair rippled wildly as we spun around each other.

I deflected again and hit him with a barehanded counter attack, disarming him and sending his sword flying. I tackled his character and pinned him, holding him just like last time, and as I did so I activated a shield spell that would last a good three minutes.

The crackling blue dome of energy blocked off everyone.

"Listen up," I said softly, watching in satisfaction as he squirmed beneath me, "I warned you the last time you pulled this shit that if you ever fucked with me again I wouldn't hesitate to hurt you. Did you really not take that seriously?"

"You don't even know who I am or where I live!" he snarled. "Stupid bitch."

"True," I said thoughtfully, "but you know what? I actually have enough money in real life to hire someone to find out the answer to those questions. You have absolutely no idea who I am or who I'm affiliated with. So, here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna apologize on the forums for every filthy, nasty thing you've said about me... and you're gonna start here. Am I clear?"

"Fuck you!" he snarled. "Get off me, bitch!"

"I can keep you here all day," I said flatly. "I have every single spell in the game and since you can't log out while you're in combat, I could easily make sure the only way you get to leave is by unplugging your system. I'm a very patient person, as you already know."

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