Chapter 116

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Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen

I stared at Richard for the longest time, irritated and confused and intimidated.

"Okay," I said in a small voice. "Uh... what do we need to talk about?"

He didn't answer but at the very least he did break eye contact and look at the ceiling which made it easier for me to breathe.

I was still scared of him.

I studied him for a few minutes, confused as to why he was here, and more importantly where Kyle was since I hadn't seen him in a while. Speaking of that, where had he been when Dick had come storming into Diana's room and broken Leo's neck?

I decided to ask, but first I was gonna change into my pajamas, which happened to consist of my underwear and one of the unwashed shirts Sebastian had discarded on his floor before leaving.

Sue me. I was missing him.

Richard eyed me with a frown when I came out of the bathroom clad in his oversized clothes.

"You're so small compared to him," he noted, and I paused. "How the hell do you two even fuck?"

I bristled.

"Is that why you're here?" I asked, looking at him oddly. "Um... dude. Not cool."

"Look, I get that it might be a personal question, but I already have far too much information since I'm the one Bash talked to when he busted your ass wide open," he deadpanned, and I flamed, horrified and embarrassed all in one. "By the way, you're welcome."

"For what?!" I cried.

"For suggesting the method that helped him fix your ass prematurely."

If possible my face burned even hotter.

"Er, thanks, I think," I mumbled, flopping down on the bed and sinking into the pillows with a sigh; the coolness of the fabric soothed my roiling emotions and to my surprise I instantly felt exhausted, like all my tiredness had caught up in one instant.

I snuggled under the comforter and curled up.

I probably would have fallen asleep if it hadn't been for my quiet guest. I had a weird feeling that he wasn't okay. The man was doing a good job at hiding it, I had to credit him for that, but something in his face and voice tipped me off. Plus, I had a feeling he'd either been waiting for me or been eavesdropping. Actually, no... he'd definitely heard our conversation, which meant he knew about Horst now, and the assault, and everything. He didn't seem like the type to cause trouble with it, though... he was definitely an asshole, but he wasn't untrustworthy.

Finally, after taking a deep breath to give me courage, I sat up and looked at him.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Dick gave me an intense frown before he shifted his legs and sat up. "Of course."

"Be honest," I sighed, rubbing my face. "You wouldn't be in here waiting for me otherwise."

"Fine, you wanna know?" he growled, leaning forward. "I'm pissed at you. Even more than I'm pissed at Leo for what happened between you. Most of all, however, I'm pissed at myself... for being part of the reason you feel the need to go so far just to... y'know, be accepted."

Oh... yikes.

"I'm still a bit shocked that you broke his neck," I said, but he instantly glared.

"I should have done worse," he muttered. "I love him like a brother but he fucked up big time."

SLEEPSONG (BoyxBoy)✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن