Chapter 179

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Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Nine

For the next three days, my mind was in an exhausted fog. I drifted in and out of sleep, on and off, only waking when Sebastian would move to make me bite him or when an argument of some sort would take place and get loud. I think it was mostly emotional stress rather than physical tiredness, but I didn't particularly want to dissect my own emotions too much.

The reason?

Jak's reaction to Horst and Erika's kidnapping had been explosive.

And violent.

And... well, he'd taken his rage out on all the wrong people when it should have been directed at Jasper. Feng-Feng, who had suspiciously come back to "check on me" only three minutes before he'd come crashing in, had somehow managed to calm him down by talking sense into him.

He'd eventually apologized to everybody once the facts had been laid bare but since that night he'd stuck to his kid like glue with, to my absolute surprise, David Meyer--who had given me the most bizarre look I'd ever seen. Equal parts admiration and heartache and adoration and guilt, mashed into one big... and kinda ugly look.

"For extensive surgery," Jak had explained when Sebastian had inquired about his presence. "I'm trying to fix my mistake but the fact is, nothing I can do or say will ever be able to fix my fuck-up with him. I acted without thinking, without looking at the facts, and he paid the price."

"What do you mean?" I'd asked, still wrapped up in Sebastian's shirt with only my face poking out of the neck hole right beneath his chin. "Did you guys finally make up?"

"No," Jak had muttered, giving me a long, hard look. "It's fortunate that you stopped him. After you were abducted... all of us remembered. The fears you discussed with Sebastian that night in the sitting room were accurate. Jasper was, in fact, hiding in the house. He hypnotized us all."

"He what?" Sebastian had barked. "For truth?"

"Yes," David had immediately croaked, raising a shaking hand. "Those of us who went mad and lost total control of ourselves because of the heat scent have memories of bumping into him on accident while wandering around the halls and then being knocked out, myself included. We lost... total control. We were hypnotized into giving in... it was..."

"Enough, I know very well what it was like," Sebastian had uttered, raising a hand with a sick expression on his face. "I am glad that things are looking up for you, but let us not speak of that vile snake any further. I have faith that he'll get his just dues."

Just like that, the conversation had been over.

Aside from the occasional squabble, the regular visits, the routine check-ups--which included much ointment and an extreme level of discomfort--and the momentary departures on Sebastian's end when he used the in-patient shower down the hall, I slept... and slept... and slept. Wrapped up inside whatever shirt he was wearing instead of any blanket.

Wrapped inside a net of safety and comfort that held me together.

I'd long-since stopped needing an IV drip full of my lover's blood and since there wasn't really much of a need for the heart monitor, I had absolutely nothing to keep me from snuggling up against his beautiful, wonderful, glorious, well-defined abs for hours and hours on end.

I snuggled him. Cuddled him. Slept on him. Found safety within him. And he did everything he could to get people to let me rest, even going as far as growling at the doctor whenever he came in to check on my legs now and again.

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