Chapter 191

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Chapter One Hundred and Ninety One

"Kids! Stop running around in the rain!" Diana scolded from her spot under the huge umbrella sheltering Sebastian's portable grill from the tumultuous downpour. "You're gonna get sick!"

"No, we won't!" Nikki called, laughing as she chased my squealing grandnephew around the massive grounds through the mud and rain. "I'ma get you, Ralphie!"

"NO!" the child screeched, running like the little dynamo he was.

I watched them for a few seconds, then turned my attention on Tiffany and Woody who were clustered together with Jak and every single one of the werewolves from Derkshire.

Everyone had come back in the middle of setting up the cookout. It was a strange realization, knowing that large groups of werewolves and genie dragons were just sitting on the front porch and mingling with regular every day humans.

I eyed the laughing people who were eagerly chatting it up.

Despite being muffled under the heavy rain I could hear excited banter about the double wedding, food, clothes, and our future honeymoons. Agatha was talking to Tiffany about the struggles of motherhood and giving her tips. Woody was just as attentive as the blonde, holding her close with wide, unblinking green eyes.

I smiled, then turned my attention to Horst, who was sitting near the corner of the porch with Erika and Kip. All three of them were playing handheld games and looked surprisingly focused.

At least they're getting along, I mused, leaning back on my chair with a yawn. I blinked the watery sheen away and turned my attention on my fiance and my nephew, who were both flipping burgers underneath oversized beach umbrellas to shield the food from the rain.

"Whoa, are those water balloons?!" Nikki suddenly gushed, and I turned to see her staring at Richard and Leo, who were both shirtless and shoe-less and laden with colorful balloons filled with liquid. They looked ready to have a good time, clad only in those soaked jeans.

"Bet your sweet ass!" the former howled, trotting over. "You ready to have a fight, little girl?"

"Dick, I'm going to kill you if you get me wet," Sebastian dryly pointed out, but the bald man merely shook the water from his white-streaked black beard and grinned.

"If you don't want to get wet, keep your eyes open!" he called back. "I'm not gonna hold back."

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Yeah, let me know how that argument goes over when I'm flaying your ass."

Richard merely snorted, then set all but one of his balloons down. He tossed the jiggling projectile a few times and I watched with raised brows as he turned his eyes on Jak, who was minding his own business with his boys and Feng-Feng and Rak and their four sons.

I sucked my lips into my mouth when he drew back as if he were about to pitch a baseball, and then with a snap of his wrist he threw the balloon and it blurred faster than I could see it.

All I heard was a loud splat and there were gasps and a vulgar curse.

"Who the fuck threw that?!" Jak bellowed, and I fought a laugh since the back of his head and his dark grey t-shirt were completely soaked through. His eyes landed on Richard, who grinned like a feral animal and made a 'bring it' motion with his fingers.

"Come on, you snarky bastard!" he mockingly hooted, puffing his chest. "Fight me!

"I'm gonna kill you, mon!" Jak bellowed, vanishing over the porch. I giggled when I saw him come back into view, dripping wet, running after Leo and Richard with an armful of water balloons and murder in his eyes. Nikki got involved and even Ralph threw a few balloons, but when he turned his attention on them they started laughing so hard they could barely run.

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