Chapter 70

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This chapter contains a mild lemon!

After counting the votes, more people voted for a lemon than they did for wholesome and implied sex, so I did the deed and wrote it as in-explicitly and bare bones as humanly possible without taking away from the overall story. I did my absolute best to write it in a way that wouldn't ruin the wholesomeness anyway, so I hope you enjoy, and um... yeah.

It's also been skillfully placed at the very end, just in case people want to skip.

This is out of my comfort zone. But you wanted it. So you got it.


Chapter Seventy

Something was wrong with the brandy.

Something simply wasn't normal.

After that first glass of whiskey with Richard, he and I had eventually gotten around to taking the second shot and then there had been no further protest. I'd been fuzzy-headed afterwards, of course, since hard alcohol tended to get me shit-faced drunk pretty easily, but for the next few hours we'd all been up in the loft playing video games.

It had been surprisingly fun despite getting my ass kicked constantly by Leo's team.

I'd been relatively lucid, too, and it was all going great right up until the moment Sebastian, Richard, Kyle, and myself won a tag-team round and we all had eager shots of Richard's special brandy. It was then, my friends, that I immediately realized something was wrong with it.

Being a lightweight, I assure you, really sucks.

"That's vile!" I shrieked, shuddering from head to toe as I slammed the empty shot glass-a fragile testament to my third successful shot of the night-onto the little brown coffee table in front of me. "Ugh! What the fuck, man?! I mean that's, that's just GROSS!"

Of course, to my confusion, literally every person in the room burst into uproarious laughter.

"Oh, wow, it actually worked!" Diana guffawed, shaking her head in disbelief.

"What worked?!" I wailed, scrubbing my tongue in horror. "Ew, ew, ew! What did you do to me?!"

Kyle laughed, mouth opened wide with hands smacking his knees in glee. His eyes streamed hysterical tears.

"Your face!" he wailed. "Ohmygod, your FACE right now!"

"What about it?! I mean, this shit tastes like dead lobster mixed with pennies!" I snarled, frantically smacking my tongue to clear my mouth of the horrible flavor. The alcohol had made my head grow fuzzy the instant it was down my throat, but besides that I was mostly okay... maybe my tolerance had grown? "Ugh, seriously, gross! What the hell did you guys do to that stuff?"

"Thank Bash," Richard snorted, raising an eyebrow when I looked at him. "He cut himself open so he could put his blood into one of the brandy jugs. All for you."

"What?" I scoffed, casting a glance at the lumbering Italian who was watching me with a half-lidded smirk on his smug little face. "Why the hell would you do that?!"

"So you can experience flavor," he purred in a not-so-innocent tone.

"Why are you like this?!" I squalled, scrubbing my tongue with my palms. "Ugh!"

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