Chapter 94

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Chapter Ninety Four

I stared at the ground, sitting in the dirt with my arms wrapped around my knees and my chin buried comfortably in them.

Wind rustled through the forest, cold and uncomfortable and nondescript and real. I felt like crying, not knowing if I was doing the right thing.

After all, this wasn't my fight.

It wasn't my right to criticize him, but I hadn't been able to help it. Talking to the kid hadn't been smart of me, true, but he was a sweetheart and it sucked what he was going through. I'd just wanted to make Jak fully understand the consequences of his actions so he would regret hurting Horst.

If he regretted his actions, he would stop them, right?

Maybe... maybe not.

I didn't know him enough to say.

Plus, I was still in mild shock after seeing Sebastian acting so violent and cruel. Even if it had been for my sake, why did it always have to end in violence? Was aggression really the only way for werewolves to get their points across to each other?

I felt like crying because I didn't know what to feel about it. Mad, sad, angry, proud, glad, happy---it was a maelstrom that wouldn't stop spinning.

A chill went through me and I shuddered heavily, finally moving my hands so I could pull my hair around me like a blanket. I sighed through my nose, wondering if I should go back and talk to Sebastian about all of this.

Should I confront him?

Thank him?

I didn't know what to do, but more than anything in the world right then, all I wanted was a hug.

A big, tight hug.

I saw a flicker to my left and looked up in confusion, but to my surprise I saw a familiar silhouette standing near a tree.

"Bash?" I asked, squinting at the shadow's stoic amber eyes. "Um... hi..."

I heard a snort and he slid out of the dark, coming into view. He was still stark naked and covered in healing scratches and bites, but he looked like he was in better condition. His face was unreadable as he stopped beside me, looking down at where I was sitting wrapped in my hair.

"Hello," he said quietly, folding his thick arms. "Eavesdropper."

I didn't flinch or wince, merely looked up at him sadly.

"I came out here looking for you because I needed you around me," I said bleakly. "You were going at it... I didn't know what to do, so I just ended up watching."

"I will not apologize for brutalizing him," Sebastian uttered, sinking down to one knee and setting a heavy hand on my cheek. "However... when it comes to you and your safety, I will not tolerate someone like him trying to harm you, ever. I made you a promise."

I leaned into the heat of his hand with a sigh.

"This whole meeting thing is turning into a nightmare," I told him. "I just want it to be over already... just back to you, me, Woody, and Tiff in the cabin."

"Eventually," he promised, scooping me into his arms before settling back and folding his legs; I curled up against the heat of his body as he held me, stroking my hair. "I can see you have a lot on your mind after everything that's happened. You have my ear should you need to vent."

"I don't even know how to vent right now," I muttered, shaking my head. "I don't know what I'm feeling... but its a lot."

"You'll survive," he said, but when he spoke his voice was husky and strangled sounding. I looked into his face to see him staring back at me with a fiery intensity that I was fairly certain was going to set the whole damned forest alight. "I am... sorry... that you have had such an upsetting evening. I will do my best to take responsibility for the hardship you've endured."

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