Chapter 118

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Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen

I thought Sebastian coming back meant everything would finally become calm.

I was wrong.

For starters, the vampire that Jak's boys had imprisoned in the other house took his own life the night after he returned. From what I'd overheard, the suicide had been very violent and had even covered the entire room in blood. I'd gotten chills when I'd heard the creature had been laughing as he'd ripped his own head off.

I'd been further disturbed by the fact that nobody seemed to care.

Most of the household had been busy with things like packing and preparing to leave for the long, extended trip to Italy.

Leo and Jun were both going to be staying behind since they were single and the latter admitted he was disinterested with the idea of heading overseas. Supposedly, all he really wanted to do was relax in his room and read.

Jak and Horst had gone back to stay with their pack at some point with promises to bring some guys over to defend Sebastian's home. The alpha told Sebastian he would check in before we left. I'd hugged Horst goodbye, promising to call and keep in touch, and then Woody had finally brought me back to the cabin with Tiffany so we could get ourselves in order and prepare.

Sebastian had come over once for our couple's therapy and we'd told Louise about the jacket, our current dynamic, the trip, the vampire killing himself, and then about our relationship. It went well, but Lou reminded me to come back to Michigan after we got home from Italy since I still needed to check in and meet with with the mysterious old woman, to which I'd agreed.

By the time six days had passed, pretty much everyone was hyped aside from me.

I was just plain old worried.

I seemed to be the only one who actively remembered that the woman who'd delivered the invitation, Lydia Antoinette, had done so by trying to literally bury it in my face. I had an ominous feeling about going to Italy and I didn't like it at all which was my excuse for not being in a good mood the night before we were supposed to get on the plane.

I woke up early for whatever reason, around six P.M. to be exact, but when I finally walked down the hall after my normal shower routine I found Tiffany standing by the stove in the island kitchen, cooking dinner with the sleeves of her pretty orange sweater rolled up past her elbows. The room was more dim than it typically was and I didn't like it at all.

All it took was a look at her tense shoulders for me to realize something was off.

"Good morning," I told Tiffany as I sat down at the table.

She smiled over her shoulder. "Evening, Aerin."

She turned back to her work, still tense. I decided to cut straight to the chase and not edge into everything I wanted to ask her. That tension was just too drawing.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. "Where's Woody?"

Tiffany paused, something simmering in a frying pan with a hiss; that sibilant sound hung on the air, snakelike, as she nodded.

"Everything's fine," she said, waving her metal spatula. "Last night, he and I had a long talk about our future together and... well, it just made me happy. I've been having mood swings these last few days and... well, you know, being pregnant is new for me. My hormones are everywhere and it's making me a little more moody and aggressive than usual, which sucks."

"Did you guys argue or something?" I asked, startled.

"Oh, no, no, I'm very vocal about how I'm feeling and why I'm feeling that way," she reassured me, ponytail swinging as she shook her head. "Arguments are probably going to be really rare for us since he and I are both really communicative people. I'm just... in another mood right now."

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