Chapter 67

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Chapter Sixty Seven

I didn't know what to expect when Sebastian led the way out of the room and down the hall, but the moment my gaze landed on the open front door it hit me that perhaps this was something dangerous. A twinge of apprehension flooded through me when a flashback of a giant claw-like arm smashing through a kitchen window sparked through my mind's eye, but I shook it off. 

Even if something attacked us, things were different this time. 

The fact that I had a living hulk's arm wrapped tightly around my shoulders was proof that I was among people who cared about me. Stupid though I may have been, I trusted them. I believed with all my heart that I wouldn't be abandoned if something bad really did happen.

Sebastian's arm on me just made me feel like I'd be okay, you know?

I cast a glance at Woody to see him following close behind us. Tiffany had left the entrance to the cottage wide open so we didn't really have any trouble leaving the dim interior behind and going out onto the porch. The damage from where Leo had taken off days before was still there, so Sebastian made a point of stepping around the crater and stood stock still, keeping me close to his right side. 

Tiffany was standing on my right, shoulders tense, eyes flitting back and forth.

"Hey, Bash," she chirped, casting a worried smile our way. "Sorry to make Woody bug you two when you were having such a juicy moment, but I don't think this can wait."

"That doesn't matter right now," he said seriously, scanning the trees and the surrounding shrubbery with alert eyes. "Tell me, what exactly did you see?"

"It was really weird," she promptly said, lifting her hand and pointing her delicate, manicured, ring-covered finger towards the gravel path. "I saw what looked like a person out the window while Woody and I were getting ready to watch another movie, just... standing near the edge of the driveway. At first I thought I was just seeing things... but then I felt the chill."

"Telltale sign," Sebastian growled, narrowing his eyes. "What was the intruder doing?"

"I don't know," she admitted, shaking her head, "but someone was watching the house."

"Did you catch their scent?" he lowly demanded. 

"Yes, actually," she admitted, then worriedly glanced away from him to look right at me, biting her full lip with a hesitant expression. "It's definitely a werewolf, but not one I've ever smelled before. I'm not sure if Aerin should be out here, so if you want I'll take him back in."

A chill that didn't really have anything to do with the cold night air suddenly ran through me and Sebastian's grip around my shoulders tightened. I couldn't see very much beyond the porch, however, nor did I want to move very far outside. 

I don't think anyone could blame me, though. 

Just as I was about to tell Tiffany I was fine, that I didn't need to go inside, that's when I saw it.

My blood ran cold and I froze, heart palpitating and eyes bugging wide as possible when I spotted a postured silhouette shifting out of sight behind a wide tree. I clutched Sebastian's arm and pointed frantically without making a sound until he followed my finger with his eyes.

His grip tightened and his hand clutched my shirt, balling the fabric into his fist.

"Show yourself," he called in a surprisingly quiet voice. "I know you're there, listening to us talk about your presence in our territory. Don't make me come to you."

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