Chapter 76

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Chapter Seventy Six

The television was off. The room was silent. And I was content.

All I could hear and wanted to hear was Sebastian.

I focused on his breathing and heartbeat, the slow, rhythmic sounds and feelings of his life rushing against my right eardrum as I lay snuggled against his side. Proof of him. Proof that he was real, that I was real, that we were really there. His warm palm cupped the side of my face, fingers occasionally fiddling with a strand of my long hair, but for the most part he sat still.

He didn't say anything and he didn't need to, he seemed to know that right then what I needed the most was to do what I was doing: seeking comfort in his presence. Having someone to lean on, to feel against me, to hold when I was sad or lonely was a blessing.

Having him there helped me face my inner turmoil.

In the end, though, the stillness was broken when Woody returned later in the night to find me completely curled up on his living room couch with Sebastian's arm draped over me. In his hands were bags full of what looked to me like groceries.

I turned my head to look at him and saw a small smile grace his lips.

"Where did you go off to?" I hoarsely asked, following his path with my eyes; I twisted to peer behind the couch when he trotted right past us and moved into his kitchen to set the bags down on the island counter. "Did you show Tiffany your new look?"

Woody paused, glancing up at me with those striking features and a wide, easy-going grin that made his whole face light up. He politely shook his head and shyly signed, 'later' before putting whatever he'd bought away. Sebastian watched me eye him curiously.

"Do you mind if I spend the day here again, Red?" he lowly inquired, not even bothering to look over his shoulder to see the answer. "Aerin and I have something we need to do shortly... something that we both forgot until now. After we finish that, I want to take him to bed... and then I want to put him to bed."

His choice of words momentarily confused me, but when the meaning hit I flushed hotly. I recalled only a moment after the wave of embarrassment had passed that he'd also said we'd forgotten something and I drew back, puzzled, wondering what he could possibly mean.

"What did we forget?" I asked, frowning in confusion. "I can't think of anything."

He instantly leaned close to my face, bumping our noses together, eyes half-lidded.

"Couples therapy," he reminded me, raising an eyebrow when I balked in horror. "We're a few days late for it as it is since the scheduled Thursday was almost four days ago."

"Holy shit!" I cried, scrambling around for my phone and glancing at the screen. I was mortified to realize that Louise had called me seven times that Thursday. "Fuck. She's gonna kill me."

"Not with me sitting right here, she won't," Sebastian snorted, putting his arm around me and tugging my cheek against his armpit; I glanced up at him when he wriggled a little, but even though the gesture could easily be misread as him trying to get comfortable I knew better.

He was scenting me again.

I mentally shrugged and focused my attention on trying to call Louise.

I dialed her contact number and waited, watching as a holographic square came up and hovered in the air directly in front of us. I swallowed hard as another smaller square featuring Sebastian and I side by side popped up, my large blue betraying just how nervous I was.

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