Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty One

Leo and Sebastian left the kitchen not long after that for reasons they did not disclose. It had been so awkward that I'd wanted to go back to the room immediately after everyone was done eating, but shortly thereafter, Tiffany had asked me to help her wash the dishes.

Since it was better than being ogled at and twiddling my thumbs, I'd accepted.

So now I was washing the dishes with Tiffany at the sink while Diane and Kyle sat at the kitchen table and Cassidy puttered around the room like a wind-up toy whose mechanisms had been stretched to the breaking point. The silence was filled with the sounds of running water and rapidly pacing feet, which made my hair stand on end for several obvious reasons.

"Do you really think it's wise for Sebastian to allow a leech right into our home?" the agitated brunette suddenly demanded. "How can he stand to let one reside among us?!"

Diane frowned; I, on the other hand, had the same question floating around in my head since leaving me alone in a room full of werewolves who obviously hated the fact that I was there didn't seem smart no matter how hard I tried to rationalize it. 

I dropped the plate I was washing into the soapy water with a 'plop' of displaced suds and they splashed Tiffany a little but she only scoffed and splashed me back before wiping herself off with a dish rag.

"Bash says this one's no threat," Diane said, and Cassidy stopped in her tracks to put her hands on the table, "and after what happened last night, I'm not about to go against his wor—"

"I get the point," Cassidy interrupted, "but what if its a ruse? What if the leech is part of a coven?"

"Do you really think he'd be alive right now if he were with a coven?" Kyle quietly asked, and both women fell silent, staring at his calm, sleepy-eyed face. "Vampires kill off their weak."

"Well, maybe they've gotten smart and are using this one as a spy," Cassidy snapped, glaring at me; I hadn't noticed that I had stopped washing the dishes until then. "They could have taken their weakest leech and planted him in Bash's path, knowing he would show the fucker mercy!"

"Or," I finally drawled, returning to washing the dishes, "I could have simply been taken from my home and brought here against my will even though I'm clearly not a threat to anyone. Not like you'd believe me, though. I want to get out of here just as much as you want me gone."

Everyone looked at me; Tiffany's expression said 'Are you crazy?!'

"Don't speak to me, leech," Cassidy hissed, eyes neon yellow. "Hold your vile tongue."

I set the dish down and turned around, looking her dead in the eyes.

"What happens when you come to discover that I was innocent all along?" I plainly asked. "Because its not a matter of if, its a matter of when." 

"What are you getting at?" Diane asked slowly. 

"Exactly what you're thinking," I said, giving her a glance before I shook my head and turned back around. "Anyone normal would have come to hate you people bad enough to want to hurt you if they were in my shoes, even if they hadn't started out feeling that way."

"Are you threatening u--"

"I'm not that stupid," I flatly interrupted, calmly scrubbing off the next plate, "but to be fair, if I were to start saying terrible things about you despite you sitting right there, you'd be on my ass in little more than a second so I don't think its fair that you're doing exactly that to me. Can you at least wait until I'm not in the room anymore if you're going to talk shit about me? Please?"

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