Chapter 137

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Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Seven

The next time I woke up, I was in excruciating pain and my pocket was buzzing.

My eyes opened and I stared at the ceiling before I realized my phone was going off. I groggily and painfully pulled it out into the open, realizing immediately that it wasn't my own, and to my confusion I saw that I had a text message from Leo.

(Unknown Contact: 6:52 A.M.) 'It's Leo. I heard and saw everything between you and Sebastian last night. Jun and I got out before everyone came running to see what the hell was happening. We acted like we were at Moonies drinking together when we came back, but everyone had their memories wiped of the incident and Sebastian was completely rewired into thinking Jasper is his mate. I'm so sorry I didn't believe you... this is a nightmare for me, so I can't even imagine what the hell it must be like for you. Just know, I'm on your side, but I'll be staying quiet to be safe.'

My heart sank through my stomach.

I couldn't believe it.

I couldn't believe it at all.

I couldn't believe that I had gotten him to remember me, actually remember me, and yet... again, his mind had been wiped. I couldn't take this, I had to stop Jasper. I had to stop him somehow but he obviously had some sort of weird power over me and it was painful.

I pushed myself out of bed, flipping the covers off me, and wheezed at the agony in my back.

I made a face, wondering how long it was going to be for the stab-wound to stop hurting. I hadn't really been able to take a good look at it with everything else that had been going on so I didn't even know if I had stitches or what. I reminded myself to take a look at it later and decided to change my clothes since they were getting kind of gross.

Just as I was about to peel my shirt off, my bedroom door opened. I turned and froze when I saw Jasper, smiling at me like we were the best of friends.

"Oh, you're up. Good," he murmured, mouth quirking when I swallowed; he slowly closed the door.

And locked it.

Upon hearing the ominous sound of that click, my head went light and my hands shook.

"Why are you here?" I whispered, watching him through wary eyes as he stepped toward me with a slow, easy gait. "Are you going to hurt me?"

"Oh, no," he said softly, looking down at me through his lashes. "I am here to apologize."

I stared at him cautiously. His hair was damp and he'd changed into a set of casual clothes.

"For what?" I asked blankly. "For erasing my fiance's memory a second time?"

"Ah, about that," Jasper murmured, narrowing his eyes. "I don't know how you did it, but it won't happen again. I made sure of it."

My heart turned to ice.

He was going to take Sebastian. He was going to take the man I loved, and replace me, and I'd never be able to look Richard or Leo or Kyle or any of my new loved ones in the eyes again. He would make sure of it somehow.

My breath...

I couldn't catch my breath.

"Oh dear," Jasper drawled, raising an indifferent eyebrow. "You don't look well."

"Stop digging into me!" I cried out, feeling tears prick at the corner of my eyes. "Stop! Just stop! I don't know what sort of sick pleasure you get out of manipulating others into doing what you want, but this is wrong! This isn't a game! This is people's lives you're messing with!"

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