Chapter 175

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Author's note: Be sure to watch the trailer and lemme know what you think! It took a lot of effort to make, lol! My eyes work for crap when I'm sick but I wanted to get it done. The story doesn't end here, there are a ton more chapters to go, BUT I'm also thinking of making a sequel when it does, finally, come to an end for those of you who hate endings.

I'm thinking of either doing a rewrite from Sebastian's Point of view as a companion book to this OR a sequel from Horst's point of view five years after the ending of the actual story.

I'll let you guys pick.

A: Companion book with Bash

B: Sequel from Horst's point of View

Keep in mind that I also intend to be focusing on rewriting Because I Love You once I'm done, too, and then finishing its sequel Because You're Mine which has been on hiatus since I began SLEEPSONG a while ago.


Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Five


No matter how fast I ran, no matter how hard I pushed myself to keep moving forward, to follow the directions I'd been given, time kept moving forward. I'd been running for nearly an hour, making very short stops only to look at my phone and follow the directions I'd been given.

I could hear my frantic heart setting the pace of my inhuman speed, every single terrified beat pulsing in a way that made my skin jerk... I could feel my long hair billowing out behind me as I ran. I swerved between trees and even jumped off the ground to clear a fallen log with a concussion that left a crater in the dirt of the forest behind me.

Arms flew up, hair flapped.

I landed, nearly tripping and killing myself from the momentum, but I refused to break my sprint and turned it into a stumbling propulsion that sent me forward even faster. Sweat ran down my face and covered the front of my tank top, barely seeing anything through the haze of white-hot rage.

And then... I did come to a stop as I cleared the trees and came across concrete. My hair flew in front of me as I froze, shoulders bunching, staring at the ocean and the creepy warehouse sitting on the concrete edge of it. Tall and grey and completely run down, as if it hadn't seen human attention in more than half a century, the building stood tall.

I looked at my phone, at the location in the text Tiffany had sent me.

Then I looked at my GPS.

Everything matched up.

My family was in there. My fucking family was in there. And so was Jasper.

Rage and fear overwhelmed me when the full reality of what I was doing hit me, and I took a step back from the ominous building, flashbacks of another much similar one running through my eyes, but the memory of that fucker's tongue on Nikki's neck and riding Sebastian smashed me.

I stopped. Closed my eyes. Fought to breathe.

And then I hunched low and started to advance on the building, glaring through dark red vision that swum and pulsed with cold intent to kill. A feeling that, until now, had never completely overtaken me in such a powerful way. My teeth ached with the urge to rip Jasper's throat out, but first, I needed to protect what I loved... first I needed to get my family out of danger.

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