Chapter 142

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Chapter One Hundred and Forty Two

Metal chains rattling... the cloying stench of rotting flesh, blood, bodies.... I retched violently as I cried.

"Shhh," someone soothingly whimpered, dark, shaking hands caressing my cheeks as I vomited, the sickness boiling through me, tearing my insides apart. "Shhh, honey, it's gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay. Just get it out, get whatever he had to out! I've got you, okay?"

"It hurts," I croaked, hair plastered to my sweat-slick flesh; my skin burned, my insides writhed, it felt like my blood had become acid, ripping each vein apart only to pull it together again. "Lara... Lara, it hurts... it hurts so bad, my stomach--"

I stopped talking as I vomited again, spitting and coughing bile; she gasped and pulled my greasy hair back, cooing helplessly and rubbing me to help me through it. Her body was the only warmth I could feel. It was all I could feel. Her warmth was the center of my world.

I couldn't stand it any longer... I wanted it all to end.

"I wanna go home," I wept, crying on her once I finished retching. "I wanna go home, Lara."

"I know, I do too, and we're gonna, Baby Boy," she said in a voice like velvety steel. "We'll both get the fuck out of here, go find out where those creeps took yo' Daddy, and then the three of us are gonna the fuck out of here and find some cops to shut this shit down!"

"My dad, they hit him," I whimpered. "They hit him, and kicked him, and beat him... and... and one of them bit me. The last time we got out, one of them... bit me, Lara... he bit me, and I don't feel right anymore, my insides are all screwed up, and I... they aren't normal people."

"I don't fuckin' care, we're gonna get out of here," she muttered, holding me against her as I whimpered and sobbed; fingers stroked my head. I heard a clunk. My heart leapt and I felt her flinch but she kept rocking me, refusing to look up even when a shadow loomed out of the darkness, a shadow with glowing red eyes that fell across our starving, bloodied forms.

I cringed against Lara with a terrified shiver as a hulking silhouette fell across our bodies.

I shakily craned my head back to look at the black man before us.

He was undressed again.

My stomach churned and I pushed against the concrete floor, scabs opening as I fought to crush myself through the wall, to get away from him, memories of the previous times he'd raped me searing behind my eyes and making me sick, making me cry, panic like a terrified animal.

Lara curled her body around me protectively, arms tightening, black eyes glaring murder.

"You touch my baby fucking brother again and I'll bite your damn dick off, hoe!" she spat, locking her legs through mine. "Back the fuck off!"

The man only grinned, revealing sharp teeth that made my stomach churn.

With a flash, he was on us, ripping both of us away from each other; I screamed as I was thrown against the metal, rusted wall and landed heavily on the blood-stained mattress adorning our frightening cell. I heard Lara letting out a similar screech and then stars exploded behind my eyes. I lay limply, ears rushing, eyes closed, in pain but not able to move or get up.

I heard Lara screaming, heard her cursing, and I heard an enraged snarl of pain.

Shaking. My body. Shaking.

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