Chapter 182

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Author's note: I apologize for the huge delay. My health has been so poor for the last few months that I've had absolutely zero energy, even when I was pumping out chapter after chapter. I decided after my last chapter post a week ago to take some much needed time off from writing and work both to get some rest.

All I did all week was sleep, and sleep, an eat, and sleep, and watch a few movies.

But mostly I slept.

I feel sort of good today so I wrote this chapter on and off and I'm slowly getting back into my buzzing humming crazy-writer mode. I hope you enjoy this chapter and upcoming chapters. Sidenote, the story might just need a bit more room and I DO NOT intend to start a new book just to continue where I left off on here.

Most of all, hope you guys enjoy?


Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Two

I figured our first Christmas together would have been specifically memorable, but reality had a weird habit of defying my expectations. The day came and went in a blur so fast that it felt like only a few action-packed minutes of holiday-everything wrapped into a little ball.

Everyone spent the entire day together, watching films and baking and playing video games and talking and hugging and kissing and dancing and singing--so many activities all in one, enough to make my head spin. I'd been hugged too many times to count, had been urged by everyone to participate in the merriment and fun, and I'd done so eagerly.

My very first Holiday with family and friends... and now it was over.

Nearly everyone was either sleeping or relaxing, doing their own things. Woody and Tiff had retired for the night, Feng-Feng and Rak had fallen asleep together in the sitting room, and Sebastian had left me alone in the kitchen to go for a run, of all things, with Chi.


I stared out the windows, watching the light snowfall as I rested my chin on my folded arms. The kitchen was dark but I could see fairly well even with such minuscule lighting. I'd received no explanation as to why Sebastian had left. I'd asked, fervently, not wanting him to go... but he'd been adamant, telling me to stay put and just wait patiently for him to come back.

The silence was a little unbearable. My legs hurt, my head hurt, and I was admittedly a little drunk since I'd been chugging some alcohol during the day. I didn't want to think about being alone, about my first holiday in this house being over already.

I pulled the sleeves of my sweater down around my hands as I felt the cold radiate through the windows some. I hadn't batted so much as an eyelash at the snowfall when it had started, being from Michigan and all, but everyone else had made a big deal since it supposedly almost never snowed in North Carolina. Not like I really cared... I had all the winter clothes I needed and Bash.

He could be my new electric blanket, with him around I didn't need a heater or clothes.

Always ignore the clothes when Sebastian is around, I thought fondly, smiling at the window where flakes of chilly white continued falling. I yawned as the exhaustion of the day began to catch up with me now that I had a break from all the excitement. I could use some blood.

I slowly and carefully stood, stretching my body as I gave a faint glare at my phone, before trudging over to the fridge. The cold yellow light spilled into the darkness all around as I opened it, bending down and peering around for some of the bottled blood he'd left for me.

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