A sick day

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-Knock Knock-. You'd been knocking on Komaeda's door for 5 minutes, finally calmed down from before, but he wasn't answering.

About 3 months ago, during the first day of school, you had both become friends. This was your second time at his house now, your first visit here had been only yesterday, and being the person you were, you were now getting worried since you hadn't seen him since then even though you had school. You knew he was upset about what had happened yesterday, but you assured him it didn't matter, so it couldn't be that right? Who were you kidding though... Obviously he took little things like that too hard, so now you would have to hope he didn't feel guilty about you skipping school for him. One thing that wasn't normal of him though, was that he usually texted you before school. Self decidedly, always, and without fail. So what could have possibly happened for him to not do that today? You at least wanted a text to confirm he was OK!

"Komaeda! Are you ok..? If you don't at least say that you are... This door! Is going! DOWN!" After waiting for a minute, you heard something small fall, and light careful footsteps. You waited a little more, but it was clear you weren't receiving any proper response. So with that, you walked a couple of feet away from the door and took a running start, then you kicked the door down violently.

You were breathing heavily, and though the situation wasn't that pretty, you smiled. Because damn that was pretty fun! "That was a lot more fun than I realized...! I never knew until today how much I wanted to kick down a door!~" You squealed like a kid on Christmas. Your eyes then flashed to the stairs of his house, taking note of how pretty the building was and then focusing on the figure frozen at the top of the steps. It was Komaeda, and he looked like a deer caught in headlights. Body turned away from you but eyes looking straight down at you. Guess he didn't think you'd really kick down the door and have a mini party about it.

"U-uh...I'm sick." He said. You gave a look as if you didn't believe him, then upon second glance, you saw how disheveled he looked. His face was slightly red, a contrast from his usually pale cheeks, his hair was even messier than normal, and he was sweating as well as drooling a bit. He had a look in his eyes that seemed the same as when he was in 'hope mode' as you now called it, and lastly, he was dressed in a white t-shirt with a unique red design on it and a big forest green jacket along with a pair of black jeans. He looked really hot, no pun intended, but still disheveled at the same time and all you could wonder was how.

"Well... I guess I see that now... Sorry for breaking your door... Why didn't you let me know...?" You said, you had a worried look on your face now, and Komaeda chuckled followed by a sigh. "I didn't want to bother you, especially not on a school day. I don't deserve your friendship let alone your kindness, but I guess I forgot how persistent you are..." He let out a raspy chuckle and his face only seemed to get redder as he then started coughing. His legs began to wobble so he moved away just enough to distance himself from falling down the stairs. "What brings you here? I can take care of myself just fine you know. I really don't want to bother you..." He said while looking down from the balcony. He was saying he was fine, but he looked like he was in terrible condition. What kind of human would you be to leave him in this state alone...? Especially knowing he had little to no cooking skills...

"I'm going to stay here... because friends always help you out when your sick- If that's alright with you of course..." You sighed softly. "Komaeda... It may seem like I'm doing this just because of what I said when I met you, but I really
do also want to be a genuine friend to you, ya'know? You're an amazing person, and it's sad that you don't seem to realize it, so please... Let me help you out right now...?" Your voice was just above a whisper, but Komaeda seemed hear you just fine in his silent house. His sharp eyes softened as he looked down at you from the balcony. "...You don't have to say my name so formally... You can call me Nagito." Your eyes shone automatically and you looked up at him.


The day was spent with you two playing games, you cooking and cleaning for him a bit since he was sick, and generally, just you keeping him good company. Of course you also fixed his door and nursed him as best as you could with the tips of the Ultimate Nurse on your side. Right at this moment, you were both on his bed, and careful not to fall asleep, you were petting Komaeda's hair as his head laid peacefully on your lap. "Nagito? Do you feel loved yet?" You yawned your daily question with the sleepy smile on your face. When he didn't answer, you peeked to see that he was sleeping peacefully. It was by far the cutest thing ever to you. Absolutely precious. You had to say though, he seemed troubled letting you do so much work while you were a guest to his house... but you hoped he was okay with it nonetheless.

You looked at the time and realized it was about time you headed home, unless you wanted to face the wrath of your parents... So softly, you moved his head from your thighs and carefully moved him onto a pillow, then left a note on the table saying you had to go home and that you would hopefully see him tomorrow. You prepared him a container of hot soup and a cup of tea before finally letting yourself leave the room. It was your second time here surprisingly, and now that you really looked at the place, you realized just how stunning the house really was, and how you also felt so at home here already.

Walking home with many of these thoughts in mind, you crossed the street you failed to see the car speeding your way.

"Watch out-!!!" Snapped to attention, you looked to the side to see it. Trying your best to get out of the way on time, you felt an arm grab yours and hastily pull you out of the car's way. Once the person had you safely at the other side of the street, you fell to your knees in shock. You could've died...! No duh... but... why was the car going so fast anyways...? Even if absentmindedly, you had looked both ways, so it must've turned a corner really fast to have nearly ran into you without you knowing. Shakily, you looked up to see the boy that helped you. Dark brown spiky hair and honey toned eyes. "Sorry for the trouble... and thank you so much for helping me...!" You smiled up at him, but there was still a sense of shock in your face. You looked away silently for a second, hoping to calm down just a bit. When you looked back up, to see his worried face and a simple black school uniform, you paused. Seeing each others clothes, you realized he was wearing a reserve course uniform, and he saw your main course one.

"It's fine, I'm sure you would've done the same." He said with a still soft worried smile. "Still...!" You stood up to properly face him and introduced yourself. "Consider me your friend from now on for this incident, I hope to see you in the future, fellow student of Hope's Peak High!" You said while saluting him. Maybe Ibuki had rubbed off on you before she stopped attending class. "I-It's fine really!" he blushed then bowed politely. "My name is Hinata Hajime, and... I guess I hope to see you in the future too." After introducing yourself and thanking him again, you both parted ways and you finally got home. You didn't want to think about it, but something was wrong. Why... Why was that car driving so fast...? In an area were you'd never really seen anyone drive like that... Maybe it was just bad luck? Regardless, you made a mental note to be more careful, then checked you phone for any messages from Komaeda, after completing the rest of your routine, you finally went to bed.

~*~*~*~Monokuma Theatre~*~*~*~

I swear I had more to say but I forgot what it was and now I'm sad! (Ugh...don't you hate that feeling?) I think I remember at least one of those things though. Did anyone notice the reference I put in here? One of my favorite Dangan meme videos is Komaeda the door kicker, so reader kicking down the door was just a reference to that. That also reminds me, Komaeda lives in an expensive house but the reader kicked down the door.  ^^ Have a nice day, and if you liked this chapter, feel free to keep reading! It fuels my determination and gives me more hope for this story to continue! Madcatanime out!~

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The Ultimate Sweetheart: Book One- Luck Arc (Nagito Komaeda x Female!Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon