Daily Life Peril

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It kinda felt like it was almost the last day of your first year here but that wasn't true at all. Winter break was coming soon though, and incidentally you'd have the school festival to look forward to too! Finals went surprisingly well for your first year, and you were excited to finally let loose from the pressure of them. Students would decorate their classes and clubrooms to fit the eventful atmosphere, and with all of the students at Hope’s Peak Academy being the talented students they were, this day could only entail fun! Afterwards would be Hiyoko’s favorite part of the festival. You all would get to wear your Yukatas, and Hiyoko would perform a traditional dance for you all after the fireworks. This meant you had to get ready, and more importantly, you had to prepare the classroom and pick your yukata!

You woke up fairly late and immediately ran to grab your decorations.

Today of all days, you didn’t even care how late you were! You were practically manager of this festival, and you had to make sure not to forget anything, because everything would be important today! You grabbed the streamers, the glitter, and paint, and every other piece of equipment you owned and could fit into your bag. You picked your yukata and made sure to pack all of your presents and candy. This was gonna be big! Finally, you sat by your door, and you waited.

This was taking a little longer than you thought it would.

Was it just you or… was it still rather dark outside?

You left your bags by the door and got up to check the time. Huh… The clock said you were late, but… Oh. You remembered now. You had set your time to be really late so you would wake up early and not miss a thing. You couldn’t tell if you were upset at being up so early, or proud to be so smart. After a moment of thought, you decided it’d be a waste to get upset on a day like this, after all, it only meant you had more time, right? But… what would you do? You were up 2 hours before time now… would they even let you into the school that early…?

“...Of course they would! We have to decorate for the festival after all!” you giggled. Now your real problem would be calling someone to help… you were two hours early, so waking anyone up this early would be pretty mean. Maybe instead you could… Buy accessories? Your yukata was pretty plain after all, your favorite pattern and color, but there wasn’t much else to it. So maybe you could bring everything to the classroom and buy some accessories real quick?

You nodded your head vigorously. A perfect plan!




Now you were finally done buying stuff and placing them in the classroom, and just recently you had even called Nagito to change your morning plans. Originally, he was going to go to your house and help you with taking all of your decorations and yukata to the classroom. You didn’t like this idea before though, since you knew he had stuff to bring to school too. But now? Things would work out a lot better! You could walk to his house, and with your empty hands, you could help him all he needed instead! You could practically hear him smiling through the phone, and you could bet he was also feeling pretty lucky about all of this.

“Ok (Y/n)-chan, I hope to see you soon then.” He chuckled through the other end of the line. You prepared yourself once more, and flew out the door preparing to make your way to his house again. Once you were far from the main building, you could hear someone following you. At this point, you were about halfway to Nagito’s house, and it was still fairly dark outside. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you tensed. Hopefully this was a student and not some creep right? You weren’t a very skilled fighter, so you wouldn’t know much about how to over power anyone. Just then, a low chuckle sounded next to your ear, and you could smell the rancid stench of alcohol and cigarettes in their breath.

This definitely wasn’t a student.

You turned around and a fearful shudder passed through your body as you saw a large man staring down at you. You couldn’t stop shivering, and you didn’t know what else to do, so you slowly raised your hand and waved at him, along with some timid words, “Hello sir…” The man tilted his head and smiled at you, a creepy and obviously unsettling vibe about him as his grip on your shoulder tightened. Then there was a loud scream, and you kicked the man between his legs while before launching yourself away from him and in the opposite direction. He fell to his knees and screamed in pain, throwing as many profanities at you as he could as he got up and started running after you. Your sprinting got faster, and you eventually heard your phone ring. It must be Nagito! So you picked it up immediately. “N-Nagito!” You yelled, and at that second, you felt someone from behind grab at your legs. The man had brought you to a forceful stop, your phone catapulted from your hands as you heard Nagito’s voice from the phone yell your name worriedly, then abruptly cut off. You cried as you saw your phone broken in pieces, no chance to call for help, your head bleeding and knees scraped from the fall on hard concrete.

Suddenly… You didn’t feel anyone’s weight on you anymore. Instead, you could hear the sound of punching, kicking, and more cursing. You got up slowly and looked behind you to see… Hajime-! Hajime was beating up the bad guy...! And he didn’t stop until the man had passed out... He turned you as he stood up, quickly grabbing your arm, and ran with you, leading you away from the scene.

You were both breathing heavily, and Hajime was calling the police, making sure to tell them where the man was passed out at now. After hanging up, he looked back at you worridley.

“Are you ok!?” He moved to grab your shoulders, but stopped shortly after, not sure if you’d be comfortable being touched after all of that. So you smiled at him, and slowly walked up to him, finishing with a tight hug.

“Thank you!” You cried. “You saved my life! I don’t know what else I would’ve done!” You sighed, grabbing onto his shirt tighter as you fell to your knees. He sighed back, lowering to his knees with you.

“Are you really ok?- I mean, when we met Nanami-san at fountain recently, I… noticed you looked hurt. Whenever Nanami-san would look away your legs would start to shake, and there was blood dripping from your knees…”

Your eyes widened, then you looked at the ground. “I’m sorry you always have to save me… I’ve been having a bit of an…” You gasped, suddenly realizing what the cause may have been. “Unlucky streak!”

The Ultimate Sweetheart: Book One- Luck Arc (Nagito Komaeda x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now