In Open Arms

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  You hated that he had to, but Nagito was carrying you bridal style as he and Hajime ran to his house. It didn’t take long for him to start breathing heavily, and you quickly tried to stop him so he wouldn’t overwork himself. “Ko-chan! Are you OK? Take a break, I don’t want you to hurt yourself…!”  Komaeda sighed and continued to run, barely even slowing down to catch his breath. “It’s fine, I’m still living out my adrenaline rush after all! Plus, I should work out more often right?” You frowned at his logic, but you couldn’t stop him, he was too stubborn.

 It didn’t take long to get the rest of the way to his house, and by the time you all got there, your knees had started to feel a little better. “I can help! My knees feel a lot better, see?” You smiled, standing up with ease, wincing only a little at the sharp stinging you felt. Of course you were sure to not make it noticeable, yet Nagito’s careful eyes were able to trace it easily still. “I’m not sure you should…-” Hajime started, but you were already picking up some of Nagito’s supplies. “Please, let me help?” You smiled sadly, you really felt bad for all they had to do for you. You wanted to help despite the pain, and Nagito was the first to give in, his usually stubborn fixture faltering. “Fine… This is only because we don’t have any other option... But the second I see you struggling, I’m carrying your stuff too.” He said as he and Hajime grabbed the last of the supplies. You all had thirty minutes to reach the school now, and you’d all be lucky to get to class before the bell. So you all started running, especially you as you tried to walk off the pain, Tsumiki-san would be able to help you out later after all.

Finally you all arrived at the school, and you immediately rushed everything onto a back table so Hajime could get to his class on time too. After you and Nagito said your quick goodbyes to Hajime, you turned to find the whole class looking at you both. You and Nagito looked a mess. Faces flushed red from rushing, heavy breathing, hair a mess, and clothing askew from him carrying you. Why were you so late? They thought, and despite the obvious suspicious looks from your classmates, Nagito just had to say something to make the situation seem even more promiscuous.

“Sorry we’re late. Me and (Y/n)-chan had business at my house! I’m glad Hinata-kun was with us, or we’d have taken forever!” He ended with a chuckle. Even you blushed at his vague words, they just left too much to the imagination, and you’re mind wasn’t very forgiving. He of course just smiled obliviously. Maybe he didn’t know what he was saying, or maybe he did. Would that mean he found it fun? Anyways, your classmates minds certainly weren’t forgiving either, and the comments you got only made you blush harder. “Oh my! Who pulled the moves first? And just between you and me Komaeda, do you mind telling me the color of her undergarments?” Hanamura-san first of course… “Ew! Don’t tell me you horndogs did weird stuff with the festival decorations or something! I’ll kill you if you did!” Saionji-san next. “My man! Finally making the moves eh? But seriously, you probably should’ve waited until after high school-!” “Who cares dude! I can’t believe he got laid before me..!” Kuzuryuu-kun and Soda-kun followed too. You blushed harder again, frantically trying to explain how that wasn’t the case, and Komaeda? He smiled lightly and then proceeded to defend your innocence too, with words that made the situation worse yet again...

Your classmates had eventually settled down after a lot of teasing and more gross remarks from Hanamura-san. Then as you were all setting up the room for the festival, Tsumiki-san began to speak up about a worry she’d had on her mind for a while.

“(Y-Y-Y/n)-san…!” She stuttered quietly next to you. “A-AH! I’m so s-sorry! I shouldn’t have s-said your f-first name like t-that! F-forgive me!!” She panicked. “No! It’s ok Tsumiki-san! I don’t mind, as a matter of fact, you can call me whatever you want from now on. You don’t have to be so formal since we’re friends you know!” You chuckled as she continued to stutter apologies and thank you’s, then you waited for her to finally calm down. “Anyways, what do you need?” You asked. “It’s not w-what I need… I was worried about y-y-your knees! They look badly scraped, and e-even your elbow looks hurt… I’d l-like for you to let me help you in the nurse’s room, o-or even here if that’s ok…!” Oh! Of course, you had ignored the pain well, and at this point you hadn’t even felt it for a while. You looked back at Nagito who was working diligently with some of the taller decorations, then back at Tsumiki-san who was nervously waiting for your approval.

“Sure! I’m glad your asked, I’m guessing you don’t want the wounds to get infected? Thank you… Can I call you Mi-chan?” She nodded happily. “O-of course! I’ve never had a nickname before! Ah! I’m so happy!”

So you went with Mikan to the infirmary to get patched up, and as you did, you both talked and became closer friends. You didn’t know there were so many different types of bandages until now, but you would surely keep that in mind whenever Mikan’s birthday would come around. Not only that, but she was also bearing quite the tragic past behind her, and because of that past, she thought many strange things were ok.

“No Mi-chan… You shouldn’t let people force you to do any of that, and you don’t have to apologize or make up for anything when they’re abusing you. Some people are really good at manipulation too, so they’ll make you feel bad about things you didn’t do wrong. Stay away from people like that and instead, come to us about! We’ll do our best to protect you, cause no matter what you think, you’re our friend Mikan! Trust us!”

Mikan started to sniffle, unable to hold back her appreciation. “Thank you (Y/n)!” She practically jumped on you just so she could hug you tightly. You giggled and hugged her back, she was such a good person, but you couldn’t help feeling guilty. You didn’t do much, but she was happy with it anyways, and you really didn’t want her to thank you for human decency. What if she started to think you were better than you are? You brushed the thoughts away, that wasn’t the mind set you needed to be in right now while you were consoling your friend. And now that you wounds were disinfected, it was time for you to both head back to class.

The Ultimate Sweetheart: Book One- Luck Arc (Nagito Komaeda x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now