Emotional Peril

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"W-wait a minute! Unlucky streak? What do you mean by that?" Hajime asked. "I-I mean... I've gotten caught up in his luck cycle." You answered. Your knees were stinging now from hitting the ground so fast once again. Hajime sighed, no less confused than he was before by your answer. "Who are you going on about...?" You turned to face him and smiled sadly. "Nagito Komaeda! He's my best friend!" To this, Hajime softly smiled back, and asked you yet another question. "Hey um... Where were you headed anyways? You seemed like you were going the opposite way of the school." You smiled brightly this time, eyes wide open. You almost seemed to have forgotten about what had just happened minutes earlier. "Nagito's house! I was-" You stood up immediately, making Hajime look up at you in sudden surprise before blushing deep red and quickly standing up as well, suddenly unable to meet your eyes. "I was supposed to go to Nagito's house to help him get the festival supplies to school!" Your legs started to tremble as you struggled to stand, your knees still hurt. And as you suddenly fell forward, Hajime naturally caught you. "H-hey! Are you sure? Are you sure you can even go to school today?" You nodded back at Hajime. "Of course! I have to...!"

"(L/n)-san... You don't look like you can walk right now." He sighed again. "At least... Let me walk with you? So you don't get hurt again..." You nodded shyly, "Sure, but watch. I'll walk this off in no time, and I really don't want to miss out on this festi-"


A distant yell from across a nearby street was heard. It sounded like Nagito! You gasped, and Hajime flinched. "N-Nagito!" You turned around and tried your best to run and find him, while Hajime anxiously stayed at your side. School would start in an hour or so, but none of you were worried about that at the moment.

"(Y-Y/N)?" Nagito sounded much closer now, and not even a minute later, you were wrapped up in a tight hug. You winced, but it didn't stop you from hugging him back just as tight with a smile. Suddenly, he held you by your shoulders and checked you for wounds, and he quickly found many.

"W-What happened to you...!?" He yelled in a raspy, hushed, voice. He was shaking now, and he seemed terrified. His eyes were wide, and they were swirling again too, but, he was also smiling... so wide. "I-I!" He wouldn't stop shaking, and he seemed to be having a sense of deja vu. He turned his head to look at the ground. He felt like he was reliving the pain of someone's death. Suddenly his eyebrows furrowed, and his eyes went back to normal, then he looked back up to you. "W-We..." He sighed, breathing in and out slowly, calming himself down. You had never seen him so worked up like that, and Hajime was reasonably surprised too.

"Are you ok? Ko-chan?" You smiled softly, hoping to put his mind at ease.

Nagito, softly smiled back, "I should be asking you! You're hurt, and I have no idea what to do..." His stale smile was held in place, a thin layer of fake happiness that was easy for even Hajime to see through.

"I saw your phone broken on the ground, and blood, and around all of that- police officers arresting a middle-aged man for assault... I guess, I should really stop hanging around you now. At this point the only thing that could cause this is me."

Your eyes widened. "N-No! Nagito, it isn't anything to do with you! I mean it!" You grabbed his hand in both of yours. "Please Nagito! You don't have to do this. I want to be your friend... I don't want something like this to be the reason that we separate..."

Nagito looked at you achingly, foreboding, and Hajime just stood around a little awkwardly. He was trying to find a way to break the tensity of the situation.

"Hey, didn't you say something about bringing supplies to your classroom for the festival?" Hajime had finally found a way to slice through the stale air.

"Ah, y-yeah..." You looked down. Would you be able to walk well in this state? How would you help now? Did all of your thoughtful planning really lead to nothing but pain?

"(Y/n)-san. You're hurt, I'll carry you, okay?"

Nagito, he was already picking you up before you could answer, preferring to hold you up bridal style since it'd probably be the least likely to strain your body. Hajime once again sighed, trying to feel less out of place, but again, not knowing how.

"I-I'll help, since (L/n)-san's hurt, and you're carrying her. Neither of you can hold supplies right now, and there isn't much time to waste." Hajime tried his best to redirect your attention, hopefully stopping the build-up of this intense atmosphere. Nagito looked over at Hajime curiously, then tried to piece things together. After he was done, he looked away, a pained expression on his face, though he was getting the wrong idea. Nonetheless, he walked over to Hajime to introduce himself politely.

"Hi, I'm Komaeda Nagito. I'm guessing... You're the one that saved (Y/n), right? Thank you, I was too careless... I shouldn't have let her walk to my place alone. I wasn't even able to save her myself... I truly am pathetic." He went into a small rant, his eyes cast down to the floor. "No you're not... And... Thank you, both of you. You guys didn't have to do this you know..." You frowned lightly, looking up at Nagito but not getting a response. He carefully held out one hand from under you, offering a handshake, and Hajime hesitantly shook it in return. "Nice to meet you, I'm Hinata Hajime. Also... I'm sure it wasn't all your fault, just try to be a little more careful next time you know? Everyone makes mistakes at some point in time."

You smiled as they shook hands, then abruptly, Nagito started walking to his house. "We should get the supplies now, before it's time for school."

The Ultimate Sweetheart: Book One- Luck Arc (Nagito Komaeda x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now