The Christmas Eve Episode

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Nagito wrapped the last box with careful expertise and a hint of clumsy excitement. He was preparing to head to school and give out presents to as many students as he could. Apparently he took it at face value when you said he could be the "Mr Santa" or "Hoteiosho" of Christmas. But maybe he was a little too childish somewhere inside to be responsible for spreading Christmas cheer? Regardless, Christmas was a day of love for anyone that participated, usually romantic love, but maybe this time, he could act as if it was any love. He did love all of the ultimates after all! Everyone in class using their hopeful talents to spread their cheer to the world around them! Destined for utter greatness as they practically shone above everyone else in the school-! Ah... But this was all a bit of a cover up as much as he hated to admit it. He was too shy to give you a present straight to your face and have it taken the wrong way, so as an alternative, this. There was also secret santa and 7 minutes in heaven which you suggested in place of him, but he wasn't sure how he'd feel about you possibly going into a closet with someone other than him. "What if it's Hinata-kun...?" Nagito paused, Hinata may not have been as bad as he thought, but he still didn't like the idea of you being around him so much. Hinata was still a reserve course student, and at the end of the day, he didn't think someone as amazing as you should have to hang out around him or Hinata. "Still, she already said it's by her own decision if she wants to be around people like him, so it's fine." Finally, Nagito finished wrapping the present and placed it neatly into the bag with the others.

"It's about time to go already?" He smiled at the clock, gathering his stuff and walking through the door to see you. Your hair was a mess, and your clothes were too. You looked like you'd been running through the woods or something, spiky chestnuts in your hair, wet with melted snow, scratches all over your uniform, and bits of soggy grass in any place visible on your body. "(Y/n)! W-what happened to you? Are you OK?" Rather than closing the door to his house, Nagito pulled you inside and ran to get you a towel without giving you a chance to answer. "Good morning to you too Nagito!" You gave a tired smile. You continued to breathe heavily and would've leaned against the wall or sat down or something, but of course, you were covered in snow, water, grass, and so on. Nagito came back with big fluffy coat, a towel, and his own spare uniform since your's was a mess. "Here, dry off and you can change into these if you want." You nodded silently and stepped out of your school shoes before limping to his nearest bathroom. Nagito sighed. Did something happen again? Something bad... because of him and his stupid luck? He couldn't imagine the pain you were in right now, why were you still so nice to him? For that matter... Why were you walking to his house alone? He was convinced that his bad luck was somehow rubbing off on you, so he told you not to walk too close to his house without someone to keep you safe. Even that was confusing to him now though. His luck never worked like this before! It was supposed to only hurt those directly around him, right? Was it really hurting you just for being associated with him? You only seemed to get hurt when he was involved... Was this maybe your own bad luck? Had this happened to you before? No... You would've said something about it, especially so he wouldn't feel guilty about anything...

"I'm done now!" You yelled from in front of the bathroom. "Also... Sorry to intrude like this, and right before school too...! Um, I promise to make it up to you!" You shuffled into the main room, looking down at the ground with an apologetic smile. Nagito didn't seem upset, so that was good, but he did seem troubled. As he walked over to you and grasped your shoulders in his hands, he prompted you to look at him, a strong sense of worry evident in his eyes. "I need you to be more careful ok? I'm not completely sure what my luck is doing right now... It's been unpredictable all my life, but I've never seen it fluctuate this badly... If there's anything you aren't telling me about this, I won't force you to, but it's important, OK?" You gave him a confused and dazed stare, "O-OK... Wait, you mean this might be my own bad luck? That would mean you don't have to worry though, right? That's good!" You beamed up at him. "N-No, I don't think you get it... If it's your own luck, that's even worse...! Trust me (Y/n)-san... You don't want to be followed by misfortune... You could end up alone, afraid to hurt anyone... Living in constant fear and regret, unable to stop the cycle of misery on your own, forced to block out the people you wish to spare and-!" He trailed on, stopping himself mid sentence when you hugged him. He laid a hesitant hand on your head and his other arm wrapped tightly around your waist. "(Y/n)-san... If it's anything like that... We need to stop it somehow. So promise me, we'll figure out what this is and stop it OK?" He sighed into your hair and you nodded back. "I'm sorry to worry you like this, I was chased by a really big dog when I left the house. It took a while to lose it, and afterwards I almost got lost! I came here because I was familiar with the surroundings here and I realized it was your neighborhood! I didn't mean to worry you... But at least it means we can walk to school now right? You shouldn't worry too much anyways, I can ask Mi-chan to help me if I'm hurt, and I'll be more careful OK?" You backed away from him and put your old clothes in a plastic bag. "Seriously though, I'm fine, and I'm also trying to find out what this luck thing is. I don't think it's you, it could be anything right?" You pulled at his sleeve. "Let's go before we're late, I'll help you hold your bags! Um... Nagito?" He was speechless, how were you so OK with everything? He couldn't handle his luck or how he really felt about it even after all of these years... Were you really fine with this?




Reaching the classroom took a while, and it was also very quiet... Nagito kept thinking to himself, he barely said a word as he walked with you, but as you opened the door and everyone yelled, "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" He couldn't find it in himself to feel negative anymore.

You chuckled, "Hey Nagito, this is starting to feel like the Christmas episode of some anime isn't it?"

The Ultimate Sweetheart: Book One- Luck Arc (Nagito Komaeda x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now