Incarnation of Inspiration

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   You woke up refreshed and wearing a smile on your face. Hopefully, this wouldn't lead to hyperactivity but at least you woke up happy. Starting your daily morning routine, everything was a breeze after eating breakfast and packing lunch for you and Komaeda. At this point, you were consistently reminded he wasn't a very good cook. You texted Komaeda to see if he was okay and a couple of minutes later he replied that he was a lot better thanks to the medicine, also stating how lucky he was to have had your help in healing so fast. You smiled remembering your time together, and then remembered the car that almost hit you.

  It really was a nerve wracking thing to think about, so you decided to brush it off and avoid destroying your perfect mood. All the while, you told Komaeda you had a great time helping him out and that you should visit each others houses more often. With that, you finally headed to school, happy to see him soon. When you entered the classroom you saw that you teacher wasn't here yet, which was quite normal since he was usually having a hangover. Additionally, just for today you decided to go straight to class instead of meeting Komaeda at the gate as you usually did.The reason being that you wanted to help him finally get to know the other students. Barely anyone was in class, but you could tell this might be all you were going to get for a while. So while you could, you prepared to help Komaeda talk to the few other students in the room. It was probably for the best anyways, having too many people to talk to could overwhelm him, and you didn't want to make him uncomfortable. Your last remaining thought was how odd it was that the teacher still wasn't here yet since he was normally here by now-

   - And suddenly a new face appeared. She had long orange hair tied back with a sky blue bow and pretty green eyes. A look of pure and nearly terrifying determination was on her face, but you had a good feeling about this, after all, you were in a really good mood today.

   "Hello class! My name is- Whoa....!" The woman stopped, and stared around at the disappointingly small group of students in the room. "Where IS everyone...?"
"People have stopped coming to class I guess, even now, I guess I'm still waiting on Komaeda-kun...." You sighed as you whispered the last part. You were standing right next to Koizumi-san's desk while Hiyoko glared at you once again (something about you being too corny and weird for hanging out with a creep). "Yeah, since you don't really have to come to class as long as you sharpen your skills, people didn't feel the need to come to class anymore." Koizumi-san said. "Hmm...well that's a problem indeed..." The woman said.

She finally introduced herself as Chisa Yukizome and had us stick by her side to help us find the rest of the class. "What if a student comes to class and no one else is here...?" You asked, a little shy in the presence of an unfamiliar adult. You were a little worried about how people saw you at first impression but you tried to brush your worry off for now. "Oh!" She turned around to face you with a relieved smile on her face. "Thank you for speaking up about that matter, I could've confused a lot of students had you not said anything! We should the door open a crack and leave a not too, that way they can leave anything they need to put down and join us!" You grew a wide smile at her praise, something about her tone filling you with pride and admiration that wiped your worries away. Damn, it had only been mere minutes but you could already tell you were gonna love this teacher!

 As the day slowly went by, and you were all searching for the other students, you started to feel  a little ashamed that you couldn't hold this class together at all. Even your good friends, Nanami-san and Ibuki-san had left, not that they knew you well for that matter. These thoughts were starting to take a toll on you bit by bit, with you realizing you might not be as good at your talent as people said. Regardless, you had to help find your classmates at this moment, and you could atone for your failures later. For now, this was all you could do as well as help convince your fellow students to rejoin class. On the bright side, you were happy to see that everyone else thought your new teacher was very sweet and knew how to push people for the better!

    And finally, when you found Komaeda, he was dressed for school and trying to buy a soda from a vending machine. It seemed he was having trouble getting anything out at first, but then, somehow... he managed to get all of the sodas and nearly KILL Soda-san! While all the others rushed to Soda's aid, you hesitantly walked over to Komaeda. "H-hi Komaeda! I thought you weren't coming, it took you awhile huh!" You giggled. "You are feeling better now right?" you asked. There was a hint of worry in my voice, but you were also nervous that he'd find out you were a little upset. If he found out, he'd probably assume it was his fault, and you didn't know if you could take that right now. Sadly, God didn't seem to be hearing your inner prayers, and as soon as you  started helping Komaeda pick up his soda cans, that one impending question you didn't want to hear left his mouth.
"Are you ok? You seem a little distressed... Ah... It must be something I did rig-?"
"N-no! Trust me... It has nothing to do with you Komaeda-kun... Actually, it's something I did..." You sighed as you rushed to stop his rant.
"Ah... I'm sure whatever it is, it's nothing. Your an ultimate after all, it took you a lot of effort to get here, and even now your still putting forth a wondrous amount of effort you know. Helping someone as hopeless as me can't be easy..." He looked at you caringly. "What do you mean Komaeda...? How do you always know what to say..." He picked up some of the sodas from your hand and placed them into his school bag. "I know I may not make sense, but what I mean, simply put, is that I'm sure you're trying your best. You would never let people down on purpose right? So have more hope in yourself, I'm sure you can't move forward until you block out the despair in your way ok?"
You didn't know how to respond to that, so you smiled instead. In his own weird way, it made sense, and maybe he was rubbing off on you, but you were starting to understand exactly what he had said. Regardless, you were glad that he was helping you, and you couldn't help staring at him as he kept picking up his sodas. You were spacing out again as you thought about him, replaying his previous words in your head.

'You can't move forward until you block out the despair in your way.'

Of course, what an iconic sentence coming from him, it almost made you sad again to think about how he was helping you more than the other way around. It meant you were still failing at talent right? But maybe you could try to look at it differently, you didn't want to disappoint him after all, not after those inspirational words he had shared with you especially-

  You were snapped back to reality with a light shake on your shoulder. "Are you ok (Y/N)? You, seem to be spacing more than usual. Did I do something wrong?" Slightly startled, you turned back to him and grinned.

"Not at all! Now let's catch up with the class Komaeda-kun!"

You reached for his hand and he took it running with you in the class' direction, sodas in tow.

~*~*~*~MonoKuma Theatre~*~*~*~

Woah, A shiny new super edited chapter!~ And by super edited I mean on August 8 2019, months after this chapter was posted, I came in and rewrote literally half of the chapter to make it better. So while the story itself may sound better, I probably added a lot of new spelling, grammar, punctuation errors, and etcetera.~ I think the most important part is that I'm a lot more satisfied with the story... But I'm also not super happy with the fact that I have to super edit every other chapter to fit a few story changes too now. Plus editing chapters on a small phone is a little painful, so I can't wait until I get my chromebook back.(this is after my chromebook stole my soul and writing account.)
Anyways, I hope any newcomers to the story like these updates, and I wish I had edited them earlier so people didn't have to read my bad writing... But on the less negative side, school is starting again soon.
Woohoo ;u;
Bye, I bummed myself out just now so I'm gonna go to bed... Holy crap, it's 3:40 am rn and my neck hurts ŤuŤ


The Ultimate Sweetheart: Book One- Luck Arc (Nagito Komaeda x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now