Sickly Rose(2)

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"It's really hot!" Nagito panted quietly. "I know right?? I hope it's good though!" You purred. "OW! I didn't sign up for this..." His voice was raspy in such an attractive way. "Sorry! That was my bad, I should let it cool down... The soup tastes good though right?" You asked hopefully, your smile lightening the room. Nagito hummed a yes and blew on the spoon so he wouldn't burn his tongue again. "It's not fair that you have to cook for me." He sighed and faced his eyes towards the ceiling. "Yes it is! It's perfectly normal for friends to help each other when they're sick you know... Plus, this just means that when I'm sick, I get to have you do the same right?" You laughed lightly and gave a hopeful smile his way again. This time when he looked at you, he blushed, so lightly that not even he had realized it, but it was there.

A deep rumbling sound resonated through the room from outside. "That wasn't... the sound of your stomach... Right?" Nagito jokes, a bit light headed from his fever. "Actually..." You turned towards the window worriedly. "That sounded like thunder, and the sky looks really peach tinted..." Getting up to have a closer look, you examined the sky again. "Nagito, where do you keep your remote?" "On the fireplace mantle, why? Is it going to rain?" He tried to sit up but you gently pressed your hand to his chest and quickly assured him there was no need to. "It's nothing much, I just need to check something. If it really is a bad storm I might have to ask my parents if I can stay the night." That and you remembered what happened last time you stayed over to help Komaeda. Almost getting hit by a car wasn't something you could easily forget. So you were anxious to walk home alone anyways, though this bad storm wasn't much better. Nagito showed immediate distaste to this idea, which would've hurt your feelings if not for his reason. "T-there's no way I could let you do that! Y-you're supposed to go home and get ready for school tomorrow, not waste your time taking care of someone like me... all night...! I'm not worth that...!" You gave him a sad smile, then walked over to him. Picking up his cheeks in your hands, you gave him a sweet smile again. "Of course you're worth it Nagito! We're friends remember?" Nagito looked up at you, his eyes wide, and his lips slowly curling to form a genuine smile. He muttered a quiet 'thank you' and you nodded back to him before picking up the remote and turning on the news.

"Weather reports rare signs of a possible tornado occurring. We advise everyone to find a safe place and a radio."

"Wow... Nagito did you hear that? There might be a tornado, that's really rare!" You looked at him worriedly again. Somehow, he was standing with the help of a nearby table. "I doubt it'll actually hit us, but we do need to find a safe place-" A cough cut his sentence short. So instead of talking, he grabbed your hand and led you to a basement room. There was a strange vibe in the room, and a thought crossed your mind.
'I'm alone with a guy in his basement... This is all kinds of improper....'
Regardless, you started calling your parents to tell them you had to stay during the tornado. Not that you were really proper or anything, but as you and Nagito sat close together near the radio you had to try your best not to look flustered.

"I'm so sorry this happened... It must be my bad luck... Haha...! I really can't do anything right." He said in a whisper, coughing before speaking again. "I have no luck at all if it makes people miserable..." He trailed off. His skin looked paler and his face wore an, at this point, common empty smile. You turned to face him, "Nagito, you're absolutely fine the way you are. What do you mean by any of that?" He stopped for a second and looked at you in wonder. "I guess, I never did tell you...?" He stared at you before looking down and started burying his head in his hands while coughing and laughing at the same time. You weren't used to this, you were sure he was having a breakdown, but you didn't know how to fix this... There was something off about his laugh, it slowly got creepier, and before it could progress too far, he abruptly cut himself off. Somehow that seemed worse, but you let it go, since you didn't know what else to do. Barely looking up from his knees, he stared forward at nothing. "You don't know what I've done to people (Y/N), people have died because of me. If it weren't for me, my parents would still be alive." He turned to you again. "How could you still want to be around someone like me?"

You sighed. "I doubt you killed anyone on purpose." You put your hand on his shoulder, "Did you?" You waited for his response. ".......No...." He looked away, back at the ground in front of him. "Then why is it your fault? Nagito? You say you make everyone miserable... But it isn't true... I'm never miserable around you. My best times are when you're around, I think you're the only one who thinks that." Nagito didn't look up, he stayed quiet. "Nagito." You said firmly. "Even if your luck hurts me, I'll never hate you." You put your head on his shoulder and a loud crack of thunder and lightning sounded. "But... I don't want to be happy if it's hurting other people..." He choked down another cough. "As I said before, I don't mind!" You huffed, "You can let your bad luck hit me and I won't care! Maybe then it won't hurt anyone else..." He chuckled dryly. "Your so optimistic, I could never let a brilliant hope like you get hurt... no matter how much luck it would bring me."

You threw your arms around him at the sound of really loud lightning. "S-sorry, c-can I-?" He cut you off. "Of course, I just hope I don't get you sick!" He moved his arms around you and hugged you back. "I think it's getting better anyways, you aren't coughing nearly as much as before, right?" You sighed and hugged him tighter, then the both of you stayed together like this for the rest of the storm.

Even after you'd fallen asleep, he stayed up somehow, tentatively petting your hair. "You won't have long to help me anyways... And I don't want that to make you sad. It'll only distract you from what's important." Maybe then was when he realized you were so much more important to him than he'd initially thought.

The Ultimate Sweetheart: Book One- Luck Arc (Nagito Komaeda x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now