Interaction 2: Karaoke(2)

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"Aside from that, isn't it your turn to sing next?" He chided. "Mhmm!~" You hummed back and quickly picked out a song, trying to find the perfect song to follow up his. You were going to see if you could even compare to his talent. You ran on stage, nearly tripping in your haste, and waited for the intro so you could start singing. You looked over at him in the crowd and silently promised you'd pull him on stage as well for payback.

"Inside of us is a freshly-placed clockwork key

and it's rustling as it is beginning to move. See!?"

"Looking down on the dull , boring world from the edge

Who are you? "

"Right in front of us the untouchable future is able to change"

(If you can't touch it ,make your way through quickly)

"However, the world with too much pre-established harmony was yesterday"

(Because it's uncertain)

"Despair and hope are still paper-thin "

(We are still uncertain and are wavering in confusion)

"But they are beloved even if they can't be seen"

"The darkness gently leads you by the hand"

"Getting lost in the rushing breath"

"The view begins to fade away"

"It's like 'Find the differences"

"Tell me which one is real! Come on!"

"Presenting these warm and tender provisions for the world"

"Who are you?"

"The noise that is flying about is making my heart obscure"

(From our hearts it surges forward)

"Tomorrow I surely won't be able to control it"

(In the past and the future)

"Ah! Despair? Hope? You? Me? Inside? Outside?"

"Singing the uncertainty, I am searching for its meaning"

"God, please lead me by my" hand!"

As you promised yourself you would, you reached out your hand, and Komaeda took it, letting you pull him onstage.

"Even if we aren't given merit for being born"

"The piled up chaos, day by day will give us an answer"

"Right in front of us the untouchable future is able to change"

(If you can't touch it, make your way through quickly)

"However, the world with too much pre-established harmony was yesterday"

(Because it's uncertain)

"Despair and hope are still paper-thin"

(We are still uncertain and are wavering in confusion)

"But they are beloved even if they can't be seen"

"The darkness gently pulls you by the hand!"

You took in a large breath of air as you finished singing, whatever stage fright you should've had was gone, and you let out the very last of it in that breath. "Ko-chan? I think you cured my stage fright somehow..!" You said, your eyes widening as you kept thinking about. "I wasn't anywhere near as good as you though!" You whined. He chuckled again, and then looked away.

"Can you tell me something (Y/n)?"

His hands shifted into his pockets once again. "Sure, anything." You smiled wholeheartedly, he turned back to you just in time to see it, and wish he hadn't looked. "I... I wanted to know... You aren't using me right?" He looked away again, he didn't want you to see the numerous conflicting emotions in his head. "You said it when we met remember? That you were going to make me feel loved, like everyone else right? How am I supposed to know you aren't using me for my luck, or to have a better reputation as Ultimate Sweetheart...?" He asked. Ah, right... You felt pain in your heart, like a chain of thorns had wrapped around your heart and tightened. Of course. No relationship was completely perfect, not even this precious friendship of your, of course there would be doubts. You needed to dispel this fear from both of your minds, he had said this fear to you so openly, he was so vulnerable. It made you so happy that you would never have to worry he was using you, not that you ever had in the first place. Now you had to tell him exactly how you felt.

"Nagito, you confuse me so much you know?" He looked at you curiously, head tilted cutely to the side as always.

"I've never known anyone like you, and I've never had an actual close friend in such a long time. I'm lucky to have you, and as sad as it makes me that you feel this way, I understand. I would never do anything to try and hurt you though. I'll tell you anything, and I'll do anything, to make sure you feel happy by my side, as my best friend. You're so special in this world. I don't know how you never had a friend before, but anyone else would be just as lucky as me to have you as a friend. Don't ever let anyone make you think you aren't amazing OK? I'll always mean what I'd said that day, at all costs, I'll make sure you feel loved, no matter what it takes because you deserve it, like anyone else and more." You held his hand and looked up at him reassuringly.

You, were his hope in this world.

The Ultimate Sweetheart: Book One- Luck Arc (Nagito Komaeda x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now